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Door-to-door insurance scams on the rise

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For Immediate Release
September 25, 2020
Contact: Marla Sink

Door-to-door insurance scams on the rise

RALEIGH -- North Carolina Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey warns residents to be on alert for insurance scams. In the last few days, NCDOI has had reports of people going door-to-door claiming to be from the N.C. Department of Insurance. During the visit, the impersonator tells the resident, because they were between the ages 50 to 85, they had been selected to receive free health insurance that covers medical, vision, dental and life.

These residents report the false DOI representative also shows a letter on an iPad with their name and address that is similar to a letter from an insurance company advertising their Medicare Advantage plans.

NCDOI has also received reports that Medicare beneficiaries are getting calls saying their Medicare numbers have been suspended due to fraudulent activity. The caller then asks for sensitive, personal information.

“If someone is calling, claiming to be from Medicare and asking for your Social Security number or bank information, hang up, it’s a scam,” said Commissioner Causey. “First, Medicare won’t call you. Second, Medicare will never ask for your Social Security number or bank information. Third, NCDOI representatives will never go door-to-door asking for personal information.”

If someone is threatening to cancel Medicare or other insurance benefits if residents don’t give information or money, report it to the Department’s Seniors’ Health Insurance Information Program ( SHIIP) or the N.C. Senior Medicare Patrol at 1-855-408-1212. Residents can also contact their local law enforcement.