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State coastal commission to meet by video conference September 9

Release: IMMEDIATE Contact: Christy Simmons
Date:  September 1, 2020 Phone: (252) 808-2808

 MOREHEAD CITY -  The N.C. Coastal Resources Commission (CRC) will meet September 9 by video conference. The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. The public may join the meeting by computer or phone.

Agenda items for the commission meeting include:                                         

Shellfish Aquaculture - The commission will hear updates from the division of marine fisheries on rule making related to the Shellfish Lease Program and will also consider amendments to rules regarding floating upweller systems.
Rulemaking recommendations – The commission will consider amendments to the rules concerning:
-Beach Mats and Public Beach Access 15A NCAC 7K .0207
-Unvegetated Beach Designation for Oak Island
-NC Coastal Reserve operations 15A NCAC 7O
-Shorefront Access Policies and the Public Beach & Coastal Waterfront Access Program 15A NCAC 7M .0300
Oceanfront Rules and Implementation - The commission will hear subcommittee updates regarding implementation of the Development Line and the Static Line Exception
Coastal Habitat Protection Plan (CHPP) - The commission will hear updates regarding revisions to the CHPP      

A full meeting agenda and briefing materials can be found on the CRC website. Times indicated on the agenda for individual items are subject to change. 

Members of the public may submit written comments by email prior to the meeting to Angela Willis at Please put “PUBLIC COMMENT” in the subject line. 
Who: Coastal Resources Commission Meeting
What: Regular Business Meeting
When: Sept. 9 at 9 a.m.
Where: Meeting by video conference - Click here

Join by phone: 1-415-655-0003
Event number:  171 008 2509 
Event password: 1234