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Congresswoman Ross Votes Against Republicans’ Harmful Debt Limit Package

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Republicans’ “Default on America Act” would cut funding for schools, clean energy, and more


Washington, D.C. Congresswoman Deborah Ross (NC-02) released the following statement after voting against House Republicans’ debt limit package, the “Default on America Act.” With passage of this legislation, Republicans are threatening a first-ever default on America’s bills unless their harmful demands are met. In North Carolina’s Second District alone, a national default would kill about 8,100 jobs, jeopardize Social Security payments for 59,000 families, and put health benefits at risk for 163,000 people who rely on Medicare, Medicaid, or Veterans Affairs health coverage. 

“My Republican colleagues continue to hold the American economy hostage for political gain,” said Congresswoman Ross. “Defaulting on our debts would be catastrophic for our people and our economy. Not only are they threatening a default, but they are also using this opportunity to push a partisan package that will hurt American children and families – from cutting funding for schools, public safety, and food assistance programs to repealing historic clean energy investments. It’s time for Republicans to do the right thing: raise the debt ceiling just as Congress has done for decades.” 

Congresswoman Ross joined nearly 200 of her Democratic colleagues in calling on Republicans to uphold the full faith and credit of the United States by allowing prompt floor consideration of legislation to raise the debt ceiling without any extraneous policies attached. 

Specifically, the “Default on America Act” would: 

  • Cut funding for K-12 education, veterans’ health care, Head Start, housing programs, law enforcement, rail safety, and other key programs.

  • Repeal the Inflation Reduction Act’s clean energy tax credits that are expected to save the average family over $1,000 per year in lower energy costs.

  • Eliminate additional funding that helps the IRS make sure the wealthiest Americans pay their fair share in taxes.

  • Kick older Americans off SNAP by raising the age limit for those who must meet the stricter work requirements from age 50 to 56.

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