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Ross Votes Against Harmful Immigration Package as Title 42 Ends

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Washington, D.C. Congresswoman Deborah Ross (NC-02), member of the House Judiciary Immigration Subcommittee, voted against House Republicans’ extreme immigration package. Rather than offer real solutions as Title 42 expires, House Republicans have passed legislation that does not fix America’s broken immigration system and instead would enact some of the cruelest, least effective border policies of the Trump administration. 

“Instead of working with Democrats to enact necessary immigration reforms, House Republicans have passed extreme, misguided legislation that would expedite child deportation, restart construction of an expensive and pointless border wall, and do nothing to keep families together and meet the urgent workforce needs of North Carolina farmers and businesses,” said Congresswoman Ross. “Immigrants make indispensable contributions to our communities in North Carolina and across the country. It’s time for Republicans to stop pushing xenophobic policies and work with us to create a humane and functional immigration system.” 

H.R. 2, the Child Deportation Act would:

  • Prevent people fleeing brutal wars, disasters, and other humanitarian crises from accessing shelter in America;

  • Expedite child deportation and result in unaccompanied minors being detained in jail-like facilities;

  • Return asylum seekers, including torture victims and unaccompanied minors, to their country of origin to face further persecution;

  • Ignore the influx of fentanyl and other dangerous and deadly drugs into our communities by making no realistic effort to prevent trafficking at ports of entry.

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