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Murphy Statement on Anniversary of the Fall of Kabul Afghanistan

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Greenville, NC — Congressman Greg Murphy issued the following statement on the two-year anniversary of the fall of Kabul, Afghanistan which triggered a chain of events that led to the death of 13 brave American service members and the loss of billions in U.S. military equipment:

"Today, I am filled with grief and anger in remembering the United States' disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan and the 13 brave American service members whose lives were taken in the terrorist attack at Abbey Gate," said Congressman Greg Murphy, M.D. "The lack of leadership, accountability, and shamelessness on that day continues to afflict our nation and the Gold Star families who lost their loved ones. The President's dereliction of duty resulted in our absolute humiliation on the world stage, and I will not rest until justice is served."

Visit to Arlington National Cemetery

Upon the arrival of fallen Marine Corps Sergeant Nicole L. Gee, who deployed from Camp Lejeune, NC, to Arlington National Cemetery in 2021, Dr. Muphy visited to pay his respects.

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