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Senator Joyce Krawiec Announces Retirement

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Kernersville, N.C. – Sen. Joyce Krawiec (R-Forsyth) announced she will not seek reelection to her seat in the Senate and plans to retire at the end of her term.

Sen. Krawiec serves as the chairwoman of the Senate Health Care, Pensions and Retirement and Aging, and Appropriations on Health and Human Services committees. Her work in the General Assembly resulted in major reforms in health care and foster care. She also spearheaded bipartisan legislation to implement voter ID in North Carolina.

"It has been a true blessing to serve my constituents in the Senate. I am proud of what we have accomplished over the last nine years," Sen. Krawiec said. "As I reflect on my time in office I can't help but think about the incredible change our state has seen. North Carolina is truly the best state in the country, in no small part because of the numerous reforms the General Assembly has pursued. It has been an honor to play a role in that."

Sen. Krawiec championed Medicaid Transformation, which moved our state's Medicaid program from a fee-for-service program to managed care. After years of mismanagement and budget overruns, Medicaid Transformation provided more budget predictability.

This year she was instrumental in passing a robust Certificate of Need reform package as part of the General Assembly's Medicaid expansion bill. The CON reforms address impediments to the availability of care and requirements that unnecessarily increase costs for all North Carolinians. These changes will make North Carolina more attractive for providers, health care facilities, and hospitals willing to do business and compete here.

Sen. Krawiec has consistently fought to protect the sanctity of life and was at the forefront of passing new pro-life measures in the General Assembly, including legislation to protect the lives of children who survive botched abortions and implementing new limits on abortions.

"Sen. Krawiec is a conservative stalwart and has been a guiding force in the Senate," Senate Leader Phil Berger (R-Rockingham) said. "Her influence can be felt throughout our caucus as a skilled legislator, trusted mentor, and well-respected colleague. Joyce's tenure in the Senate has been marked by an unwavering commitment to her constituents. I am thankful for her years of service in the Senate and look forward to working with her as she finishes her term."

Sen. Krawiec has served in the Senate since 2014 and has been elected multiple times by constituents in Forsyth, Davie, Stokes, and Yadkin counties.

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