N.C. Forest Service to begin tree seedling sales July 1 — NC Political News

N.C. Forest Service to begin tree seedling sales July 1

RALEIGH, N.C. – Beginning July 1, the North Carolina Forest Service is accepting tree seedling orders as part of its annual sale. Each year, the NCFS Nursery Program produces millions of quality seedlings for nearly 50 species of conifers, hardwoods and native understory plants, including eastern and Carolina hemlock seedlings, as well as an expanded selection of genetically improved third cycle loblolly pine seedlings.

Genetically improved stock is also available in longleaf pine, shortleaf pine, white pine and other species. These seedlings offer better volume growth, form, disease resistance, straightness, and other characteristics needed to produce quality forest products.

“Trees are one of our greatest renewable resources, and these tree seedlings help keep North Carolina beautiful and economically viable,” said N.C. Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler. “Tree seedlings and understory plants are available to public and private entities and landowners. Demand for tree seedlings is up, so anyone interested in buying trees is encouraged to order early.”

Hardwoods are sold in quantities as low as 10 and conifers in quantities as low as 50. For those wishing to submit larger orders, the nursery sells tree seedlings by the hundreds and thousands.

How can you order tree seedlings from the NCFS Nursery Program?

  • Tree seedlings can be ordered from the online seedling store at www.buynctrees.com.
  • Tree seedlings can also be ordered by phone at 1-888-NCTREES (1-888-628-7337).
  • Tree seedlings can be ordered using the order form found in our current catalog. Complete the form and mail to Seedling Coordinator, 762 Claridge Nursery Road, Goldsboro, NC 27530.
  • A user-friendly catalog is available at the “Tree Seedlings & Nursery Program” link located at www.ncforestservice.gov. Catalogs are also available at local NCFS offices located in all 100 North Carolina counties. Inside the catalog, landowners can find information about the types of tree species, quantities and costs to order. Each tree description includes information about ideal planting locations and whether a species is typically used to benefit wildlife, restore habitats or as marketable timber.
  • Accepted methods of payment are check, money order, Mastercard and Visa.

Distribution of tree seedlings will occur December through mid-April, depending on weather conditions. Seedling orders can be shipped to one of 12 distribution centers statewide for a small fee or via UPS for a charge. Seedling orders are also available for pickup from the NCFS Claridge Nursery in Goldsboro or the Linville River Nursery, near Crossnore. For information on planting trees, people are encouraged to contact an NCFS county ranger. Contact information for your local NCFS county office and nursery locations is available at www.ncforestservice.gov/contacts.

The forest sector contributes around $33.6 billion annually to the economy and supports more than 150,000 jobs for North Carolinians.

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