All by Ray Nothstine

OPINION: Should big tech shield us from science, even if it’s controversial?

A bill before the South Carolina Legislature seeks to affirm a sacred American right – the right to our conscience. Co-sponsored by every Republican member of the subcommittee – the legislation is a reaction to a Columbia city ordinance that restricts a counselor or therapist’s ability to bring in biblical worldviews on issues related to human sexuality and sexual orientation.

OPINION: Thanksgiving in trying times

While presidents before Abraham Lincoln often delivered Thanksgiving proclamations, he made it a national holiday in 1863. It might seem odd to some modern readers that Thanksgiving reached a pinnacle during America’s bloodiest conflict, but those that are the most in need understand. Trials, affliction, and humility remind us of our dependence on the grace of God.

OPINION: Cooper’s all in on critical race theory

Even in North Carolina, the rejection of fundamental American principles thunders ahead. The proof? Gov. Roy Cooper vetoed an anti-critical race theory bill on Sept. 10. If one reads the text, it’s hard to imagine political leaders opposing these principles a few years ago. Simply put, the bill works to reinforce the American tenets of equality and our E Pluribus Unum motto.

OPINION: ‘Global Whiteness’ class embarrassing even for UNC

A leaked syllabus of a class called “Global Whiteness” at the University of North Carolina reads like a parody of today’s campus race obsession and radicalism. Campus Reform published a copy that includes topics like “White Trash,” “Enlightenment or Enwhitenment?” and “How is Trump racist?” Perhaps most laughable is the course appears to blame America and the West in the Pacific Theater during World War II instead of on Japan’s racist imperialism and aggression.