All by Kristy Bock

US House members representing NC speak out about impeachment

Members of the US House of Representatives that serve the citizens of North Carolina took to Twitter and press releases to share their stance on President Donald Trump’s second impeachment. The legislators representing North Carolina are divided along party lines. The resolution to impeach President Trump passed with 232 for impeachment and 197 against with 4 that did not vote. There were 222 Democrats and 10 Republicans for the resolution, and 197 Republicans against it.

$600 one-time payments as part of a second stimulus payout

A second stimulus check was approved on Sunday as part of a $900 billion dollar bill. The $600 one-time payment will be sent to those eligible based on their 2019 reported income. The amount of the one-time payment depends on the income of the household. President Trump disagreed with the amount of the one-time payment, and instead recommended the amount of $2000 as a direct payment to eligible individuals. On Monday, the House of Representatives passed a measure to increase the stimulus checks to $2000. On Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader McConnell blocked a bid to unanimously pass the $2000 stimulus check without a vote, and then also blocked allowing a vote to be brought to the floor on Wednesday though he did say the $2000 stimulus check was his focus.

COVID-19 vaccine arriving in NC, Sen. Tillis and Rep. Murphy plan to take it when available

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued the first emergency use authorization for a vaccine for the prevention of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in individuals 16 years of age and older.

“Many believed it would take at least a year to develop a COVID-19 vaccine, but American innovation has exceeded expectations yet again,” said Congressman Greg Murphy, the only practicing physician in Congress. “I will be getting vaccinated next year once it is widely available to the American public and after those who are on the frontlines or are most vulnerable have already received it,” said U.S. Senator Thom Tillis.

Court of Appeals overturns Voter ID decision

On Wednesday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit reversed a lower-court decision to enjoin North Carolina’s voter ID law and constitutional amendment. "Now that a federal appeals court has approved North Carolina's voter ID law and constitutional amendment, they must be implemented for the next election cycle in our state," NC House Speaker Tim Moore (R-Cleveland) said.

State Auditor releases finding of COVID spending by NC Dept. Of Public Instruction

On Wednesday State Auditor Beth Wood released the results of a performance audit at the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (DPI). The audit was of Coronavirus Relief Funds allocated to the DPI from the 2020 COVID-19 Recover Act. The objectives were to ensure that Coronavirus Relief Funds were spent in accordance with the 2020 COVID-19 Recovery Act and subsequent amendments as well as that the programs that received Coronavirus Relief Funds accomplished their intended purpose.