Appropriations Committee Approves Price’s FY 2021 Transportation-Housing and Urban Development Funding Bill — NC Political News

Appropriations Committee Approves Price’s FY 2021 Transportation-Housing and Urban Development Funding Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Tuesday the U.S. House Appropriations Committee approved Chairman David Price’s fiscal year 2021 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies bill. The legislation funds the Department of Transportation, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and other related agencies, including the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness.

For fiscal year 2021, the legislation provides $158.3 billion in base budgetary resources. The bill includes $75.9 billion in discretionary funding, an increase of $1.7 billion above the FY 2020 enacted level and $16.8 billion above the President’s 2021 budget request. Consistent with the INVEST in America Act, the bill includes budgetary resources for surface transportation programs totaling $78.7 billion. In addition, the legislation provides $75 billion to support the economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic by investing in our nation’s transportation and housing infrastructure.

“The departments and programs funded by the THUD bill are integral to our way of life – housing and transportation connect us to jobs, services, and education. Yet every day, our constituents see the consequences of inadequate investment in our housing and transportation infrastructure,” said House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Chairman David Price. “This year’s THUD bill represents a renewed commitment to improve safety, produce more affordable housing, upgrade our aging transportation networks, and bolster our nation’s resiliency to a changing climate.  At the same time we ensure that vulnerable populations—homeless youth, veterans, communities of color, domestic violence survivors, the elderly and disabled—remain at the forefront of our efforts. I’d like to thank Ranking Member Diaz-Balart and my colleagues on the committee from both sides of the aisle for their input as we crafted this legislation.  I look forward to working together to enact this legislation into law.”

“The Fiscal Year 2021 THUD bill represents a forward-looking vision to rebuild our nation and strengthen our communities. Together, we can revitalize our infrastructure, modernize our transportation systems, protect the traveling public, expand access to safe, affordable housing, and support our most vulnerable neighbors,” said House Appropriations Committee Chairwoman Nita M. Lowey. “The emergency funding in this bill is pivotal to kickstart a strong and equitable recovery from the coronavirus pandemic and the ensuing economic collapse. After an unprecedented year of challenges, the investments in this bill lay the foundations for sustained economic growth and expanded opportunity for every American in every corner of our nation.”

The following amendments to the bill were adopted by the full Committee:

Rep. Price #1 – The manager’s amendment makes technical and noncontroversial changes to the bill and report. The amendment was adopted by voice vote.

Rep. Price #2 – The amendment requires the use of masks and enhanced sanitation measures on airlines, Amtrak, and in large transit agencies. The amendment was adopted by voice vote. A video of Rep. Price’s remarks on the amendment can be found here.

Rep. Watson Coleman – The amendment amends Sec. 239 in the bill to allow certain CDBG-DR grantees to request relief from recaptures for overpayments. The amendment was adopted by voice vote.

A summary of the bill is here. The text of the bill, prior to adoption of amendments in full committee, is here. The bill report is here.

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