Beasley Orders Extension of Emergency Directives Regarding Jury Trials and Court Facility Public Health Measures — NC Political News

Beasley Orders Extension of Emergency Directives Regarding Jury Trials and Court Facility Public Health Measures

RALEIGH, N.C. – Chief Justice Cheri Beasley has extended emergency directives in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These directives postpone jury trials and prescribe social distancing measures. The Chief Justice also extended a directive allowing additional time for clerks of superior court to schedule summary ejectment proceedings.

“Courthouses continue to serve the public across North Carolina, but the health threat posed by COVID-19 remains a very present danger to the health and safety of our communities,” said Chief Justice Beasley. “These directives have helped mitigate risk and are needed to ensure that we continue the proper balance between postponing court business and resuming full court operations.”

The extended emergency directives are as follows:

  • Postpone jury trials for 30 days
  • Require a COVID-19 coordinator for each judicial facility
  • Prohibit crowded sessions of court where social distancing cannot be observed
  • Require COVID-19 coordinators to approve court calendars before they are publicly distributed to ensure social distancing is possible and ensure face coverings are available for court personnel
  • Require senior resident superior court judges to ensure public health measures such as cleaning and social distancing are provided in court facilities
  • Ensure public access to court records and allows clerks to limit face-to-face interactions when accepting filings
  • Encourage filings to be submitted by mail and allow a grace period of five days for filings received by mail
  • Allow clerks of superior court additional time to schedule hearings in summary ejectment actions.

For a list of orders from the Chief Justice and the Supreme Court of North Carolina, please visit the continuously updated Coronavirus (COVID-19) announcement page. The public is encouraged to visit to find answers to frequently asked questions before calling the local courthouse.  Announcements from local counties about changes to court operations can be found on the county page as well as the closings and advisories page. The public may also visit the Judicial Branch Facebook page and Twitter account to access information related to the coronavirus health concern.

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