Cooper vetoes one bill, allows another to become law without his signature

RALEIGH, N.C. -- Governor Roy Cooper vetoed one bill and allowed another to become law without his signature on Monday.

Cooper vetoed the Senate Bill 168, entitled DHHS & Other Revisions.

Cooper said, "Senate Bill 168 includes a provision to change the handling of public records by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner which could have the unintended consequence of limiting transparency in death investigations. While I believe neither the Department of Health and Human Services which proposed it, nor the General Assembly which unanimously passed it had any ill intent, the concerns that have since been raised make it clear this provision should not become law."

Cooper allowed H77, DOT 2020-21 FY Budget/ Governance to become law without his signature.

"The Department of Transportation has faced unprecedented crises that have put a crunch on their budget, and the funds in this bill are critical to ensure they can maintain our roads and infrastructure," Cooper said. "However, I remain concerned about changes in transit funding and in board governance that distract from the work we must be doing together."

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