Price Amendment Approved by Appropriations Committee — NC Political News

Price Amendment Approved by Appropriations Committee

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- An amendment offered by Congressman David Price that his office says will "prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from using federal funding to implement the so-called 'Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science' rule passed the House Appropriations Committee Friday during the full committee markup of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2021. 

According to a press release from Price's office: The EPA rule would undermine sound science by making it virtually impossible for scientists to consider certain research—including studies that contain personal health information or proprietary industry data—as they develop standards to protect public health.  The rule is opposed by EPA’s own Science Advisory Board. Congressman David Price’s district includes several federal research facilities, including an EPA facility in Research Triangle Park, and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences that are critically important to our environmental and human health.

“The Trump administration continually seeks to silence scientists and undermine public health -- the EPA’s so-called ‘Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science’ rule is no different,” said Price. “My amendment would prevent EPA from implementing this anti-science rule and allow scientists at the EPA to freely pursue and use sound research as the agency fulfills its mission to protect the public from environmental threats. Politics doesn’t belong in science, and that’s why I’m pleased this amendment passed the Appropriations Committee.”

According to the release, several research organizations support Congressman Price’s amendment including: the American Thoracic Society, the American Chemical Society, the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Environmental Defense Fund and American Psychological Association (APA). A copy of the Price amendment can be found here. A video of Congressman Price’s remarks can be found here.

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