This Week at NCDOT: #FerryCoolMask, Mobi Awards, Great Trails Survey — NC Political News

This Week at NCDOT: #FerryCoolMask, Mobi Awards, Great Trails Survey

RALEIGH, N.C. -- The following are highlights from this week at the N.C. Department of Transportation.


NCDOT’s Ferry Division is ensuring those who want to ride the ferry this year are safe. Not only is social distancing encouraged while on the ferry, crew members and passengers are required to wear a mask.

So, while you ride the ferry this summer and wear a mask, take a picture of yourself, family and friends. NCDOT then wants you to post it to social media and add #FerryCoolMask and you could be featured on the department’s social media pages.

To find the full ferry schedule, go to

Mobi Awards Presented Next Week on Social Media

Next week, NCDOT will use social media to present the winners of the second annual Mobi Awards

The Mobi Awards recognize the state’s best projects that used two or more modes of transportation such as greenways, public transportation hubs, and roads with walking paths. We had more than 60 transportation projects enter into this year’s contest. 

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we’re presenting this year’s Mobi Awards on our YouTube channel. If you’d like to tune in, visit our website and click on our YouTube icon at the bottom of the page. 

Great Trails State Plan Survey

Many of us are spending more time outdoors these days, exploring North Carolina’s trails and greenways by walking or biking.

Imagine one statewide trail network that connects all 100 counties.

NCDOT and North Carolina State Parks need your help to develop the Great Trails State Plan.

Take a minute and fill out a short survey on the department's website.

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