Tillis Announces $8 Million Grant for Hurricane Recovery

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Friday Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) announced the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is awarding the NCDOT, the city of Wilmington, and Topsail Beach more than $8 million as they continue to recover from Hurricanes Florence and Dorian.

The awards are as follows:

·       NCDOT - $4,776,032.86 for debris removal operations as a result of Hurricane Florence.

·       City of Wilmington - $1,583,912.79 for management costs as a result of Hurricane Florence.

·       Topsail Beach - $1,922,923.88 for rebuilding the beach’s storm damage reduction project damaged as a result of Hurricane Dorian.

“Helping cities and towns that were affected by hurricanes that hit North Carolina continues to be a priority of mine,” said Senator Tillis. “I am proud to advocate on their behalf and I want to thank FEMA for helping North Carolina with the costs associated with recovering from these storms.”

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