Tillis Statement On June Jobs Report — NC Political News

Tillis Statement On June Jobs Report

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Senator Thom Tillis issued the following statement on the June jobs report

“We have a long way to go, but today’s jobs report makes clear that the Paycheck Protection Program is working and we are on the road to a strong economic recovery. The question that is now before North Carolinians is whether or not they want this progress to persist. 

“As someone who led economic turnarounds in the business world, I know that the best way to continue getting  North Carolinians back to work is through the same common-sense pro-growth policies that I implemented as Speaker and in the Senate that made our state’s economy one of the very best in the nation." 

Tillis also took a jab at his Democratic opponent, Cal Cunningham, saying: “My opponent, however, has voted for crippling tax increases and would rubber-stamp the Biden-Schumer job-killing agenda of higher taxes, more regulations and bad trade deals that would derail our progress. I know that my job is fighting for the jobs of hardworking North Carolinians so we can come back as prosperous as ever, while Cal Cunningham would work for the extreme liberals that fund his campaign.”

NCDOT Cash Watch Report for July 2, 2020

Over 3,000 new jobs coming to Charlotte