Truitt: "This is a time for leadership, not a time to wait or waffle" — NC Political News

Truitt: "This is a time for leadership, not a time to wait or waffle"

CARY, N.C. -- Catherine Truitt, a former Johnston County public schools teacher and the Republican nominee for N.C. Superintendent of Public Instruction, issued the following statement Wednesday after Governor Roy Cooper delayed his scheduled announcement on the reopening of schools this fall: 

"I am glad that Roy Cooper surprised us all by not dictating a one-size-fits-all solution to reopening schools today. However, he needs to go one step further and tell our school systems that how they re-open school this Fall is up to them. This is a time for leadership, not a time to wait or waffle. Parents, students, principals and teachers need clarity. Logistics and safety demand it. Ensuring ALL students have the opportunity to receive a quality education this Fall demands it.

Yesterday, Truitt called on Governor Cooper to avoid making a “one-size-fits-none” dictate to local school systems about how to re-open schools.  Truitt called for called for giving local officials control, giving parents a voice in the decision-making process, and giving students hope. Truitt’s recommendations echoed guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics, which cautions that “policies to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 must be balanced with the known harms to children, teenagers, families and the community by keeping children at home.” 

For more details on Truitt’s approach to re-opening schools, please visit

Cooper delays school reopening announcement without saying why

Cooper: North Carolina to Continue Working Toward Getting Students Back in the Classroom