Hazardous waste renewal permit public hearing Aug. 7 for the former DuPont Brevard facility — NC Political News

Hazardous waste renewal permit public hearing Aug. 7 for the former DuPont Brevard facility

RALEIGH, N.C. -- The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality’s Hazardous Waste Section has scheduled an in-person public hearing for the issuance of a hazardous waste renewal permit for corrective action at the former DuPont Brevard facility on Friday, Aug. 7. The original hearing scheduled in April was canceled based on current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19.

What: In-person public hearing for the issuance of a hazardous waste renewal permit for corrective action at the former DuPont Brevard facility. Room capacity will be limited in accordance with COVID-19 guidelines for mass gatherings.

When: Friday, Aug. 7, 2020, at 1 p.m.

Where: Brevard City Hall Council Chambers, located at 95 West Main Street in Brevard

Additionally, due to public health guidance to reduce the spread of COVID-19, a digital public hearing will also be conducted on Tuesday, Aug. 11, at 11 a.m.  Participation can take place in person, online or via telephone. For more information about either public hearing, go to: https://deq.nc.gov/news/events/public-notices-hearings.

Comments will be accepted from July 8 through Aug. 22. Comments may still be emailed to Julie.Woosley@ncdenr.gov or mailed to:

                        Julie S. Woosley, Chief

                        North Carolina Division of Waste Management

                        Hazardous Waste Section

                        1646 Mail Service Center

                        Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 1646

DuPont began operations at the facility, located at 701 DuPont Drive in Cedar Mountain, in 1957 producing high purity silicon under the Chemicals and Pigments Department. The property was then transferred to the Imaging Department for production of medical imaging (x-ray) films. The facility ceased operations in 2002; hazardous waste is no longer generated or stored at the facility. Investigation and remediation activities have been ongoing at the site since the 1980s. The remedial action plan, including the final remedy for the site, was approved by DEQ in December 2016. The Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments-Only Renewal Permit addresses implementation of corrective actions in accordance with the approved remedial action plan.

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