Rep. David Price: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Should Resign

WASHINGTON, DC (August 25, 2020) – Following news that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo would record a video for the Republican National Committee during official government travel to Jerusalem, Congressman David Price (NC-04) released the following statement calling for his resignation:

“The Secretary of State has a solemn duty to work on behalf of the American people and should be laser-focused on diplomatic efforts to ensure our national security by coordinating with our allies, keeping our adversaries at bay, and upholding American values abroad,” said Congressman David Price.  “Instead, Secretary Pompeo has prioritized partisanship above diplomacy in his attempts to please Donald Trump, politicize America’s relationship with Israel, and advance his own political career.

“His decision to break with protocol and speak at the Republican National Convention – while on official travel – is not keeping with the spirit of the job, nor the weight of the responsibilities bestowed to him. The claim that his RNC speech was done on his own personal time ignores that fact that American taxpayers paid for his trip and that State Department personnel are accompanying him while abroad.  Since the Secretary is incapable of rising above election year politics, he must resign immediately and then personally repay the Treasury for all expenses related to this trip. The American people deserve a Secretary of State focused solely on the national interest.”

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REMINDER: Division of Coastal Management seeking public comment on new grant funding opportunity for N.C. Resilient Coastal Communities Program