Butterfield Applauds House Passage of Updated Heroes Act — NC Political News

Butterfield Applauds House Passage of Updated Heroes Act

WASHINGTON, DC –Congressman G. K. Butterfield (NC-01) issued the following statement on the House passage of the Updated Heroes Act:

“North Carolinians continue to struggle amidst the devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic.  This continuing health and economic crisis requires urgent federal support and House Democrats have again delivered for North Carolinians and the American people.  In May of this year, House Democrats responded to the needs of the people by passing the Heroes Act -- a bill that honored our heroes on the frontlines of this pandemic, supported testing, tracing and treatment, strengthened housing assistance and food security, and safeguarded our democracy.  Sadly, Senate Republicans and the White House took a wait and see approach towards passing additional legislation to help the American people.  Now, after almost five months of feet dragging from Congressional Republicans and the White House, the House has again responded with a robust relief package.  I was proud to support the updated Heroes Act, which includes support for families, the unemployed, small businesses, assistance for the airline industry, and more funds to bolster education and child care.  In addition, this legislation provides $436 billion to state and local governments who desperately need funds to pay vital workers who keep us safe and are in danger of losing their jobs.  Republicans in the Senate must get off the sidelines and act.  I implore Senate Republicans to meet us halfway and pass the updated Heroes Act to protect lives, livelihoods, and our democracy.”


The updated Heroes Act is the House’s sixth piece of comprehensive legislation to respond to the coronavirus pandemic. The legislation follows the first iteration of the Heroes Act, which passed the House on May 15; the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act, enacted on April 24; the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, enacted on March 27; the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, enacted on March 18; and the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act enacted on March 6.

  • The text of the revised version of the Heroes Act as introduced is here.
  • A one-pager on the legislation as introduced is here.
  • A section-by-section summary of the legislation as introduced is here.
  • Additional information on the state and local relief provisions of the legislation as introduced is here.

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