CSHP Helps Kick Off “I-95 Drive to Save Lives- October 2020” — NC Political News

CSHP Helps Kick Off “I-95 Drive to Save Lives- October 2020”


The North Carolina State Highway Patrol will partner with 14 state agencies in an effort to reduce collisions along the I-95 corridor.  Through support from the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and states along the eastern portion of the U.S., the I-95 Drive to Save Lives- October 2020 Campaign is intended to increase the visibility of law enforcement officers over a period of two days. 

Interstate 95 (I-95) is approximately 1,920 miles in length and is currently considered one of the deadliest highways in the country.  On average it supports 72,000 vehicles of daily traffic (with peak daily traffic over 300,000 vehicles) and it has over 10,000 vehicles for its average daily truck traffic (with peak daily truck traffic being over 31,000), per the I-95 Corridor Coalition.

The emphasis of this initiative will be to address high-risk behaviors of motorists such as distracted driving, impaired driving, speeding, unsafe driving behaviors of the operators of large trucks/buses and the failure of motorists and passengers alike to wear seatbelts.  Additionally, troopers will play close attention to the motoring publics adherence to the Move Over Law.

The campaign will begin on Friday, October 2, and conclude Saturday, October 3.  Troopers from every state along I-95 will be out in full force, in hopes of reducing the number of fatal collisions to zero. 

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