McHenry Joins Legislation Supporting Volunteer Firefighters — NC Political News

McHenry Joins Legislation Supporting Volunteer Firefighters

Yesterday, Congressman Patrick McHenry (NC-10) joined Congressman George Holding (NC-02) in introducing legislation allowing full-time nonprofit firefighters and emergency medical service workers to join a state or local retirement system.

"Here in the Tenth District our full-time volunteer firefighters and EMS workers play a vital role in keeping our communities safe," said Congressman McHenry. "This legislation will ensure these essential personnel are finally able to receive the same benefits as their state-employed counterparts. I'm proud to support a bill that supports the brave men and women who risk their lives protecting and serving our communities."

For years, the IRS has prevented full-time volunteer firefighters and EMS personnel from joining the North Carolina state retirement system despite providing the same emergency and community services as those employed by the state. This legislation creates a special rule to clarify that 501c (nonprofit) public safety agency firefighters and EMS workers can join the governmental plan of the locality or state they are contracted to work in.

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