Governor Cooper Announces Boards and Commissions Appointments — NC Political News

Governor Cooper Announces Boards and Commissions Appointments

Today, Governor Roy Cooper announced new appointments to boards and commissions across North Carolina.

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individuals to the Governor’s Advisory Council on Aging: 

  • Culey V. Kilimanjaro of Greensboro as a member at-large. Kilimanjaro is the Associate Publisher and Advertising Director at The Carolina Peacemaker, and has worked at this job for over fifty years. Kilimanjaro is active in her community being on many boards and councils including the North Carolina Council of Developmental Disabilities, the Greensboro Public Library, and the North Carolina Central University Alumni Association. 
  • John E. Hammond of Chapel Hill as member at-large. Hammond is a retired professor from the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and Biomedical Engineering at UNC Hospitals. Hammond volunteers with many organizations including the Orange County Department of Aging, SAGE Raleigh, and the Triangle Area Gay Scientists. 
  • Charles E. Coote Jr. of Greensboro as a member at-large. Coote is the owner and manager of Perry J. Brown Funeral Home. Coote is involved in his community and serves on multiple boards such as the American Red Cross, the Funeral Directors and Morticians Association of North Carolina (Central District), and the Greensboro Chamber of Commerce.
  • Dr. Ilene Siegler of Chapel Hill as a member at-large. Siegler is a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences for Duke University School of Medicine, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Duke University, and a professor of Epidemiology for UNC-CH Gillings School of Global Public Health. Siegler is published in hundreds of journal articles, books, and chapters. 
  • Deborah D. Liebers of Fayetteville as a member at-large. Liebers is a retired child support agent. Liebers is extremely involved in her community with programs including the Migrant Assistance Project and La Leche League. 
  • Davida Martin of Summerville as a member at-large. Martin is retired from serving over twenty years as the Forsyth County Attorney. Martin was the first African American woman in North Carolina to hold a county attorney position. 

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individuals to the Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Board of Trustees: 

  • Joe C. Brumit II of Asheville as a member at-large. Brumit is the owner, chairman, and CEO of Brumit Restaurant Group, Franchisee of Arby’s. Brumit has served on the YMCA of Western North Carolina, United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County Board of Directors and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Western North Carolina. 
  • Libby Kyles of Asheville as a member at-large. Kyles is the former CEO of the YWCA in Asheville. She is the former Director of Youth Transformed for Life Training Programs and a former teacher of Isaac Dickson Elementary School and Lincoln Middle School. Kyles has received the CoThinkk Leadership Award and completed the Coach Diversity Institute Training. 

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individual to the Blue Ridge Community College Board of Trustees: 

  • Dr. Henry Clay Eddleman III of Hendersonville as a member at-large. Eddleman is a retired physician. Eddleman served in the U.S. Navy Medical Corps and was appointed to the staff of the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Atlanta and to the faculty of Emory University’s School of Medicine. He retired in 2000 at which time he was named Professor Emeritus in Emory University’s School of Medicine.

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individuals to the North Carolina Brain Injury Advisory Council: 

  • Beth Ellen Overby of Wake Forest as a family member of a person with a brain injury. Overby is a real estate broker. Overby’s child suffered a brain injury in 2017 and has since been an advocate for people with brain injuries.
  • Sarah N. Stroud of Beaulaville as a director of a local management entity of mental health and developmental disabilities. Stroud is the chief executive officer at Eastpointe Human Services in Beaulaville, where she has worked since 2013. 

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individual to the North Carolina Building Code Council: 

  • W. Robert Axford of Durham as a licensed electrical contractor. Axford first began working in electrical construction in 1994 and became a licensed contractor in 2005. Axford is now the Business Manager and Financial Secretary for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union Number 533.

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individuals to the North Carolina Advisory Committee on Cancer Coordination and Control: 

  • Dr. Ellen Essick of Raleigh as a DPI representative. Essick is the section chief of Healthy Schools at the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Essick has also worked for school districts and communities on health and wellness initiatives for over twenty years. 
  • Dr. Ira Q. Smith of Durham as an old north state medical society representative. Smith is an MD of obstetrics and gynecology. Smith also teaches obstetrics and gynecology at Duke University Medical Center. 
  • Dr. Mahvish Muzaffar of Greenville as a member at-large. Muzaffar is the program director of the Hematology Oncology Fellowship and a staff physician at Vidant Medical Center. Also, Muzaffar is an assistant professor in the department of Internal Medicine at East Carolina University, and the director of the Gastrointestinal Cancer Conference. 

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individual to the North Carolina Cemetery Commission: 

  • David R. Simmons of Gastonia as an owner/manager of a cemetery. Simmons is the General Manager of Evergreen A Quiet Place Cemetery. Simmons is also a member of the North Carolina Cemetery Association. 

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individual to the NC College Foundation Inc. Board of Trustees: 

  • Hyacinth V. Drummond of Charlotte as a member at-large. Drummond is a community advocate in North Carolina and New York. Drummond is the co-founder of Dreamseeds, a children’s program for YMCA in Rochester, New York, a board member of the GEVA Theatre Board, and a board member at the Rochester Institute of Technology. 

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individual to the North Carolina State Board of Community Colleges: 

  • Jena Muntz Gallagher of Mooresville as a region 2 representative. Gallagher was the co-founder of Carlisle & Gallagher Consulting group, a management and technology consulting firm in Charlotte. Gallagher is now a member of the Board of Trustees at Meredith College, teaches yoga, and volunteers with multiple nonprofits in her community. 

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individual to the North Carolina Council for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing: 

  • Michael F. Lupo of Hampstead as a person who is deaf. Lupo is a deaf itinerant teacher for the deaf for Pender County Schools. Lupo also consults and educates parents and professionals on strategies to help people who are deaf. 

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individual to the North Carolina Council of Developmental Disabilities: 

  • Laura Hedgepeth Richardson of Oxford as a parent of a child with a developmental disability. Richardson’s daughter has Cerebral Palsy. Richardson is a licensed practical nurse and a wound care nurse with Signature HealthCare LLC of Roanoke Rapids.

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individuals to the Executive Mansion Fine Arts Committee: 

  • Ann Reed Dunn of Raleigh as a member at-large. Dunn is retired from being a Senior Deputy Attorney General for the Administrative Law Division of the Department of Justice. Dunn has previously served on the Wake County Bar Association and has won the Joseph Branch Professionalism Award.
  • Jimmy Broughton of Winston-Salem as a member at-large. Broughton is the Assistant to the President for Government Relations at Wake Forest University. 
  • Rhonda Hubbard Beatty of Raleigh as a member at-large. Beatty is the director of the UNC Visitors Center at UNC Chapel Hill. Beatty is a member of North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences Advisory Commission, the UNC Friends of the Library, and the Sir Walter Cabinet. 
  • Martha Zaytoun of Raleigh as a member at-large. Zaytoun is the founder and first President of the Raleigh Fine Arts Committee. Zaytoun received the Raleigh Medal of Arts Award for creating the concepts for the Artists Exhibition, the Choral Celebration and the Literary Contest. Zaytoun has also been a docent of the Executive Mansion for many years. 
  • Thomas S. Kenan III of Chapel Hill as a member at-large. Kenan is the Flagler System, Inc. director. Kenan is also a part of many boards and foundations at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to include Institute of the Arts and Humanities Advisory Board, Ackland Art Museum Visiting Committee, and the Arts and Sciences Foundation. 
  • Ellen C. Freeze of Greensboro as a member at-large. Freeze is a retired fabric industry designer, artist, and an interior designer. Freeze is a current board member of High Point Museum, Herb Society of America, and Wesley Memorial Methodist Church. 

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individual to the Executive Mansion Fund Incorporated Board of Directors: 

  • Fred G. Morrison, Jr. of Raleigh as a member at-large. Morrison is an Administrative Law Judge for North Carolina. Morrison has served in this position for thirty-three years. Morrison received the Thomasville Jaycees “Young Man of the Year,” 1966 and 1967. 

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individual to the North Carolina State Licensing Board for General Contractors: 

  • George B. Ratchford of Gastonia as a public utility construction. Ratchford is the Operations Vice President for gas services at Pike Electric Company. He previously worked at PSNC Energy as a general manager of customer service operations and design and construction. 

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individuals to the North Carolina Geographic Information Coordinating Council: 

  • Katie Sue Bordeaux of Sunset Beach as a representative from a lead regional organization. Bordeaux is the executive director for the Eastern Carolina Council of Governments. Previously, Bordeaux was the town manager for the Town of Maxton.
  • Hope S. Morgan of Graham as a member of the general public. Morgan is a project manager and GIS specialist master at AECOM. Before joining AECOM, Morgan was an IT applications manager for North Carolina Emergency Management. 

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individuals to the Historic Hillsborough Commission: 

  • Carolyn Joyce Wing Davis of Hillsborough as a member at-large. Davis recently retired after 20 years with Target Stores. Davis now volunteers for Burwell School and is a part time nanny.
  • Claire Marie Locke of Hillsborough as a member at-large. Locke is a retired science subject specialist for Dialog, LLC. Locke is also a member of the Special Libraries Association. 
  • Sharon Snider Ringwalt of Hillsborough as a member at-large. Ringwalt is a retired Technical Assistance Specialist for the Office of Special Education Programs. Ringwalt has served on other boards including the Orange Country Partnership for Young Children, the Women’s Center, and the Arc of Orange County. 

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individuals to the Juvenile Justice Planning Committee: 

  • Danielle McLean of Lumberton as an American Indian tribal representative or other individual with significant expertise in tribal experience. McLean is a Legal and Compliance Officer for the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina. McLean is a board member of the United Way of Robeson County and the Robeson County Bar Association. 
  • Greear Webb of Chapel Hill as a member at-large. Webb is a sophomore Morehead-Cain Scholar at UNC-Chapel Hill. Webb is the Co-founder of NC Town Hall and Young Americans Protest which are both youth-led non-profits. Greear was selected as a 2020 Youth Voter Engagement Ambassador through Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education. 
  • Joseph A. Maimone of Rutherford as someone familiar with programs addressing problems related to school violence and vandalism and alternatives to suspension and expulsion. Maimone is the Director for the Center for Safer Schools at the NC Department of Public Instruction. He previously served as the Chief of Staff for the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Maimone was also the founding headmaster at Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy and served from 1999-2018.
  • Julius H. Corpening II of Wilmington as a person licensed or certified by the state with expertise and competence in preventing and addressing mental health and substance abuse needs in delinquent youth and youth at risk of delinquency. Corpening has served as a judge in New Hanover and Pender Counties since 1991, and as Chief District Court Judge for more than 10 years. He serves on many committees committed to helping youth including the N.C. Child Custody Mediation Advisory Committee, the New Hanover County Child Protection Team, the New Hanover County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council and the Juvenile Jurisdiction Advisory Committee. 
  • Michael D. O’Key of Fayetteville as someone familiar with programs that are alternatives to confinement, including organized recreation activates. O’Key is an intern for the City of Birmingham, Department of Innovation and Economic Opportunity and a graduate research assistant at Cornell University College of Architecture, Art, and Planning. 
  • Virginia Lee Jicha of Fayetteville as a private non-profit agency working with children and families. Jicha is a 6th grade science and social studies teacher at Anne Chestnutt Middle School. Jicha is also the President for the North Carolina PTA. 

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individual to the North Carolina Marriage and Family Therapy Licensure Board: 

  • Dr. Jon L. Winek of Boone as a marriage and family therapist. Winek is a professor at Appalachian State University, where he has worked since 1993. Winek specializes in marriage and family therapy, social psychology, and gender. 

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individuals to the North Carolina Military Affairs Commission: 

  • Lt. Gen. Walter E. Gaskin, Sr. of Wilmington as retired military residing near Camp Lejeune. Gaskin achieved the rank of Lieutenant General in the U.S. Marine Corps, where he was the Deputy Chairman of the NATO Military Committee in Brussels, Belgium from 2010-2013. Gaskin is now the chief executive officer of La Porte Technology Defense.
  • Bernard J. Cofield of Elizabeth City as retired military from the Coast Guard. Cofield is a health systems specialist at the Defense Health Agency. Cofield has worked in health services and managed care for the since 1999.

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individual to the Montgomery Community College Board of Trustees: 

  • Shyla M. Hairston of Mt. Gilead as a member at-large. Hairston is the Work First Employment Service Social Worker for Montgomery County Department of Social Services. She volunteers with the Montgomery County Meals on Wheels, the Mt. Gilead Food Pantry and the APS Christmas Exchange. Hairston is also the owner of Fleurs by SLH Event Co. where she does a yearly donation of free bouquets to brides, prom students, and sick individuals in her community.

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individuals to the NCWorks Commission: 

  • Osceola Ellis of Jacksonville as a business representative. Ellis is the CEO and Co-founder of the National Certification for Realtors. Ellis also works with PCSing Inc. to help military families have an easier relocation process. 
  • Olalah Njenga of Raleigh as a business representative of business services. Njenga is the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief strategist at YellowWood Group, a consultancy she founded in 2003. Njenga is also a member of the North Carolina Coalition for Global Competitiveness and the National Workforce Issues Council for the National Association of Women Business Owners. 
  • Martha Matthews Martin of Oak Island as a business representative. Martin is the Associate Director of Enterprise Learning at PPD in Wilmington, NC. Martin is a member of the Advisory Board, Biomanufacturing Training and Education Center.
  • Josh Arant of Raleigh as a business representative-business services. Arant is the Chief Operating Officer at Mako Medical Laboratories. In 2019, Arant won the Vistage Impact Leadership Award.
  • Tammy Simmons of Whitsett as a workforce representative and a representative of apprenticeship. Simmons is the Vice President of Marketing and Culture at Machine Specialists Inc. Simmons has served as a panelist nationally for Apprenticeships for the Aspen Institute, Jobs for the Future and New America Institute as well as been asked to speak to the U.S. Congress in 2017 and 2018 on behalf of apprenticeships. 

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individual to the North Carolina Outdoor Heritage Advisory Council: 

  • Gordon S. Myers of Raleigh as a member at-large. Myers was the executive director of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission for 12 years until he retired earlier this year. In his time as executive director, Myers was also the Vice-Chair of the N.C. Sentinel Landscape Committee and the Chair of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Birds Conservation Committee. 

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individual to the North Carolina Partnership for Children, Incorporated: 

  • Dr. Khadijia Tribié Reid of Wilmington as a health care provider. Reid is a pediatric medical director at MedNorth Community Health Center. Reid is the Pediatric Medical Director of MedNorth Community Health Center. She also serves as Vice Chair of the New Hanover Regional Medical Center Pediatrics Committee and is the former board chair of Smart Start of New Hanover County. 

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individual to the North Carolina State Ports Authority Boards of Directors: 

  • Malcomb Coley of Charlotte as a member at-large. Coley is the EY-US Central Private Leader and Charlotte Managing Partner, a US member firm of the global EY organization. Coley also serves on many boards of directors including the Charlotte Regional Business Alliance, the United Way of Central Carolinas, and the First Tee of Greater Charlotte. 

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individual to the North Carolina Railroad Board of Directors: 

  • Michael S. Fox of Greensboro as a member of North Carolina Board of Transportation. Fox practices private law at Tuggle Duggins, Attorneys at Law. Fox has served on the North Carolina Board of Transportation since 2017.

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individual to the North Carolina Respiratory Care Board: 

  • Madie Ash of Rockingham as a public member at-large. Ash is a coordinator and professor of sociology at Sandhills Community College. Ash is also the owner and operator of Touché Incorporated of North Carolina and the Co-founder of Church of Freedom Ministries.

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individual to the Roanoke Chowan Regional Housing Authority: 

  • Margaret Amy Braswell of Ahoskie as a member at-large. Braswell is the Executive Vice President of the Ahoskie Chamber of Commerce. Braswell also serves on the Historic Murfreesboro Commission. 

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individuals to the North Carolina Board of Science, Technology, and Innovation: 

  • Frank L. Johnson of Statesville as a member at-large. Johnson is the founder of JMS Southeast, Inc. and the president and technical advisor of Statesville Process Instruments, Inc. Johnson brings decades of experience in business and manufacturing to the board. An active member of his community, Johnson has also served on boards of organizations including Belmont Abbey College, the Greater Statesville Chamber of Commerce, the North Carolina Department of Transportation, and the State Board of Community Colleges.
  • Margaret N. Rosenfeld of Raleigh as a member at-large. Rosenfeld is a lawyer with more than twenty years of experience in corporate and security law. Rosenfeld is one of two female attorneys in North Carolina to be ranked in the Corporate/M&A law category by Chambers USA. 

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individual to the Statewide Independent Living Council: 

  • Tara Davidson Muller of Raleigh as a representative of Disability Rights NC. Muller is the Senior Attorney at Disability Rights NC. Prior to joining Disability Rights NC, Muller was an Attorney and Mediator at Muller Law Firm, PLLC.

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individual to the Social Work Certification and Licensure Board: 

  • Tauchiana Williams of Raleigh as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Williams is an outpatient therapist, a clinical assistant professor at the UNC-CH school of Social Work. She is also a clinical associate at the School of Nursing at Duke University. 

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individual to the Southeastern Community College Board of Trustees: 

  • Timothy A. Lance of Chadbourn as a member at-large. Lance is the pastor at Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church in Whiteville, NC. Lance is retired from 28 years of service in the U.S. Army Reserves. 

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individual to the Southwestern Community College Board of Trustees: 

  • Elizabeth Tyson Lofquist of Sylva as a member at-large. Lofquist retired from Western Carolina University as a provost in 2012. Lofquist continues to serve the university as an adjunct professor in retirement.

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individual to the North Carolina Symphony Society Incorporated Board of Trustees: 

  • Jane M. Marr of Wilmington as a member at-large. Marr is a Broker with Intracoastal Realty in Wilmington. Marr also chairs the Congregational Care at St. James Parish and serves on the development committee at the Cameron Art Museum. Marr also attended the Ola Belle Reed Song writers retreat sponsored by the NC Arts Council and the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. 

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individuals to the Task Force for Safer Schools: 

  • Donovan Bethea of Holly Springs as a high school student currently enrolled at public high schools. Bethea is a junior at Apex Friendship High School. Bethea works at Beyond School Age Care in Holly Springs. She served as the Vice President of the Black Student Alliance and the Superintendent’s Student Council. 
  • Leah Stein of Raleigh as a high school student currently enrolled at public high schools. Stein is a junior at Needham B. Broughton High School. Stein is on the Broughton Executive Cabinet, plays varsity lacrosse, runs cross country, and is the in the French and Math Honors Societies. 

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individuals to the Tyron Palace Commission: 

  • Dr. Catherine J. Everett of New Bern as a member at-large. Everett is the President and founding member of Eidetico Radiology Solutions. Everett is also the President of Coastal Radiology Associates, PLLC and she serves on the Physician Advisory Board for Carolina East Medical Center. 
  • Ellen Myerson Sheridan of New Bern as a member at-large. Sheridan is an interior designer for Ellen Louise Designs, ASID. Sheridan is a member of the NC Historic Preservation Commission, the New Bern Historic Preservation Foundation, and the Chairperson of the Union Station Depot Project. 
  • Katherine C. Haroldson of New Bern as a member at-large. Haroldson is a retired Vice President in the Municipal Sales and Trading Department at Lehman Brothers. She now volunteers with many community organizations such as the Chatham Hall Board, Christ Episcopal Church, and the New Bern Preservation Foundation.
  • John A. J. Ward of New Bern as a member at-large. Ward a retired attorney and mediator, has served his country (US Navy) and his community over his considerable years on many professional, civic, and charitable organizations. Currently, he is active in the Tryon Palace Commission as Vice Chairman and the N.C. Aquarium Society.
  • Dr. Kenneth Chance of New Bern as a member at-large. Chance is the senior partner at Coastal Eye Clinic, PA New Bern. Chance is also a past president of the Craven, Pamlico and Jones Medical Society. He served for over a decade on the North Carolina Museum of Art Board of Trustees and its Collection Committee. 
  • Stephen K. Zaytoun of Cary as a member at-large. Zaytoun is the President of Zaytoun & Associates, Inc. Zaytoun also served on the the Cary Rotary Club, the NC Chamber Board of Directors, the United Arts Council and the Southwest Wake YMCA. 
  • Maria Cho of New Bern as a member at-large. Cho is a retired nurse. Currently, Cho works with Religious Community Services and Citizens Advocating for Resiliency and Education (CARE), both in New Bern. Cho also serves on the City of New Bern Redevelopment Commission. 
  • Susan Fetzer of Beaufort as a member at-large. Fetzer worked as a Clinical Dietitian at Carteret Health Care until she retired. Currently, Fetzer works as a leadership council trustee for Unitarian Coastal Fellowship. 

Gov. Cooper has appointed the following individuals to the North Carolina Veterans Affairs Commission: 

  • Colonel Richard E. Fay of Raleigh as a representative of the 2nd congressional district. Fay is the Chief Counsel at the Joint Force Headquarters for the North Carolina National Guard. Fay retired as a uniformed national guard state judge advocate after more than 36 years of uniformed service. 
  • Chris C. Dobbins of Dallas as a representative of the 10th congressional district. Dobbins is the owner and operator of Chris Dobbins, LLC, a consulting company that focuses on leadership, public health, policing, and social equity. Dobbins was the Director of the Gaston County Department of Health and Human Services from 2013-2020. Dobbins also served 22 years in the U.S. Air Force.
  • Kristen Sistare Bunton of Southern Pines as a representative of the 8th congressional district. Bunton is the Communications and Outreach Coordinator for the Cumberland County Government. Bunton was previously an Emergency Actions Controller for the U.S. Air Force.

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