Congresswoman Foushee votes against Default on America Act

Congresswoman Foushee votes against Default on America Act

WASHINGTON, DC - Congresswoman Valerie Foushee (NC-04), voted against the extreme House Republican’s Default on America Act, which will create devastating, long-term impacts to hardworking Americans across the country.  

“House Republicans presented Americans with a lose-lose scenario: either default and wreck our economy or inflict cruel cuts to essential programs and services that many hardworking Americans rely on,” said Congresswoman Valerie Foushee. “The extreme funding cuts in the Default on America Act will not only hurt families across North Carolina’s Fourth District, but will have harmful impacts on folks across the country – which is exactly why I voted against this bill. Congress must pay our bills, and it is time to stop playing political games and put the American people and our economy first.”  

By refusing to act now to prevent a default, House Republicans are threatening an economic disaster that will devastate every American. In North Carolina’s Fourth District, a default on our debt would:  

·       Kill 7,300 jobs as unemployment doubles; 

·       Threaten the retirement savings of 93,800 people near retirement; 

·       Put Medicare, Medicaid, and Veterans Affairs health benefits at risk for 232,000 people; and 

·       Jeopardize Social Security payments for 83,000 of seniors.  

But the Default on America Act is no alternative. In North Carolina, the extreme House Republican bill would:  

·       Threaten access to food assistance for 24,000 people aged 50-55; 

·       Eliminate preschool and child care for at least 8,000 children; 

·       Increase housing costs for at least 16,700 people; and 

·       Make college more expensive for at least 197,400 students.  

House Democrats have already cut the deficit by historic levels and President Biden’s budget reduces deficits by $3 trillion more over the next 10 years while investing in America – lowering costs by making child care, health care, and housing more affordable, supporting better schools, and strengthening our infrastructure. 

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