Counties Complete Recount in Supreme Court Race; Newby Leads by 401 Votes — NC Political News
Counties Complete Recount in Supreme Court Race; Newby Leads by 401 Votes

Counties Complete Recount in Supreme Court Race; Newby Leads by 401 Votes


Dec 3, 2020

All 100 North Carolina counties have completed the statewide recount in the North Carolina Supreme Court Chief Justice contest.

After the machine recount, Republican Paul Newby leads Democrat Cheri Beasley by 401 votes out of nearly 5.4 million cast in that race.

“The recount showed minor differences from canvassed vote totals, but did not change the outcome of the contest,” said Karen Brinson Bell, executive director of the State Board of Elections. “We appreciate the hard work of the county boards of elections throughout the recount process.”

When the recount was requested, the margin between the candidates stood at 406 votes, favoring Newby. Several counties subsequently recanvassed, at which point the margin was 416 votes, favoring Newby.

After the recount, the margin is now 401 votes, favoring Newby. A PDF table showing changes by county is attached.

Minor differences are expected with any recount, as different machines may read stray marks differently.

Pursuant to state law, within 24 hours, Beasley, as the second-place candidate, may demand a hand-to-eye recount in a random sample of 3% of voting sites in each county. The State Board will hold a drawing to determine the random samples.

If the results of a hand-to-eye recount differ from the previous results within those precincts to the extent that extrapolating the amount of the change to the entire state (based on the proportion of ballots recounted to the total votes cast for that office) would result in the reversing of the results, then a statewide hand-to-eye recount of all ballots would be conducted.

Meanwhile, both Supreme Court candidates have filed a total of more than 100 election protests that are either scheduled for consideration by the county boards of elections or have already been heard at the county level and appealed to the State Board. The State Board plans to hear the appeals once the county boards have completed the proceedings.

Here are the protests: General Protest Filings/

Here are the appeals: General Protest Filings/

For 2020 election results, go here: NCSBE Contest Results.

For recount results, go here: 2020 Statewide Recount Results.

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