Gov. Cooper and NCDHHS Secretary encourage North Carolinians to enroll in federal health insurance — NC Political News
Gov. Cooper and NCDHHS Secretary encourage North Carolinians to enroll in federal health insurance

Gov. Cooper and NCDHHS Secretary encourage North Carolinians to enroll in federal health insurance

RALEIGH — Governor Roy Cooper and North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Mandy K. Cohen, M.D., today highlighted changes in federal law that make obtaining insurance through the federal Health Insurance Marketplace more affordable and available to more than 100,000 additional people in the state.

”North Carolinians have a tremendous opportunity to sign up for health insurance for themselves and their family at a more affordable price and sometimes for free,” Governor Cooper said. “I urge people who don’t have coverage to investigate their options and learn about these plans.”

The American Rescue Plan, which became law in March, provides additional subsidies and tax credits for those purchasing their own insurance through the Marketplace. In North Carolina, as many as 116,500 uninsured people are newly eligible for tax credits, while 112,600 more may get the benchmark Marketplace coverage at no cost.

The deadlines to enroll and to take advantage of lower premiums are fast approaching. Those who need coverage in place by Jan. 1, 2022, must sign up by Dec. 15. Open enrollment ends Jan. 15, 2022, with coverage taking effect at later dates.

“Health insurance coverage and high-quality health care are critical to a person’s overall health and well-being,” Secretary Cohen said. “We urge North Carolinas to act before the Dec. 15 deadline to take advantage of health insurance at an even more affordable price for them and their families.”

At, North Carolinians can compare plan benefits, costs and other features. Plans include essential health benefits and preventive care, in addition to mental health care, emergency room care and maternity coverage, not limited by caps or pre-existing conditions.

The NC Navigator Consortium provides federally qualified health insurance navigators to guide consumers through complexities of the sign-up process and maximize their coverage. Appointments may be scheduled online at or by calling 1-855-733-3711.

From 4-7 p.m. today, callers to this number can have simple questions answered, or they can schedule an appointment to speak with a navigator. Help is available in English and Spanish.

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