Governor Cooper and Legislative leadership release PSA encouraging North Carolinians to get the COVID-19 vaccine — NC Political News
Governor Cooper and Legislative leadership release PSA encouraging North Carolinians to get the COVID-19 vaccine

Governor Cooper and Legislative leadership release PSA encouraging North Carolinians to get the COVID-19 vaccine

RALEIGH: Today Governor Roy Cooper joined bipartisan legislative leaders to release a PSA urging North Carolinians to get COVID vaccines now that all adults are eligible for vaccinations. The Governor joined House Speaker Tim Moore, Rep. Robert Reives, Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger and Senator Dan Blue in advocating for vaccinations.

“North Carolina has a vaccine distribution plan that gets shots into arms quickly and equitably and we remain focused on continuing to slow the spread of the virus,” said Governor Cooper. “In order for our state to turn the corner on this pandemic, we must come together and ensure that every adult gets their COVID-19 vaccine.”

Legislative Leadership shared the following statements:

Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger: “When I talk to people around North Carolina about why I got the vaccine, I tell them that it’s an easy way to help protect yourself and your family and friends, but it also allows us to get back to traveling, attending sporting events, and other everyday activities we’ve missed over the past year. I urge those that are hesitant to get the vaccine to talk to their doctor and find out more about its effectiveness.”

Democratic Senate Leader Dan Blue: “I took my shot not just to protect myself, I did it to protect my family, my colleagues, and neighbors. We each need to do our part to keep each other safe, and to help build a healthier North Carolina.” 

State House Speaker Tim Moore: “It’s important to show North Carolinians that while Republicans and Democrats may not agree on all issues, leaders from both parties chose to be vaccinated when it was their turn. We want all North Carolinians to feel comfortable making that same choice so our state can finally put this pandemic behind us.”

House Democratic Leader Robert Reives: “Getting your vaccine will not only save your life, but the lives of your friends, family, and neighbors. Together, we can be a stronger North Carolina.” 

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