Kenneth J. Harper announces candidacy for North Carolina U.S. Senate Seat — NC Political News
Kenneth J. Harper announces candidacy for North Carolina U.S. Senate Seat

Kenneth J. Harper announces candidacy for North Carolina U.S. Senate Seat

From the Campaign Staff of Kenneth Harper For North Carolina

RALEIGH, NC – High Point native and entrepreneur Kenneth J. Harper has announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate seat that will be made vacant by the retirement of the U.S. Sen. Richard Burr. 

Harper officially filed with the North Carolina State Board of Elections March 1, 2022. Harper officially began campaigning May 29, 2021 as a staunch Conservative running on the Republican ballot. 

As a small business owner and financial consultant, Harper endeavored to expand his network in a community where he grew up as a cultural Democrat and Republicans were scarce. He attended events hosted by Democrats, like Push On Wall Street, where he was introduced to executives of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) in hopes of strategically building his connections. Immediately recognized as a leader, he was offered an unsolicited position as a board member for Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Push Coalition.

In his new role, Harper began to see the inner workings of the Democrat Party. He was exposed to the true values that the Democrats were championing, and ultimately saw a need to separate himself from them as they did not fundamentally align with his core values. 

During President Donald Trump’s administration, Harper witnessed his business grow exponentially year after year. When the COVID-19 lockdowns of 2020 hit, he began to do his own due diligence and research President Trump's policies for himself. This spiraled into deeper research of the Democrat Party, the Republican Party, and the true American history of former slaves. As a follower of Jesus, this was when God's "wake-up call" came. He promptly changed his party affiliation to Republican and began voting accordingly for Donald Trump in 2020.

In March of 2021, Harper felt led by God to run for the U.S. Senate. Having no previous political experience, especially as a new Republican, he doubted if he was hearing God's voice correctly. 

As Harper sat in a local bookstore to think and pray, he overheard a few ladies speaking about the times that they were living in. After two hours of listening, he came to realize that they were true believers in Jesus and decided to approach them with his dilemma. Right there in the bookstore those ladies prayed for him and that God would supply all of his needs. For Harper, this was the confirmation that he needed to represent North Carolina.

Harper has been running a grassroots campaign every day since. His decision to run for US Senate is rooted in his obedience to the voice of God. As people of faith, we are called only to obey; as John Quincy Adams rightly said, “Duty is ours, results are God’s.”

You can learn more about Harper by clicking on the link to his website and his facebook page

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