Representatives Cotham, Hall, Willis and Speaker Moore move to expedite charter school approvals

Representatives Cotham, Hall, Willis and Speaker Moore move to expedite charter school approvals

Raleigh, NC – Representatives Cotham (R- Mecklenburg), Moore (R- Cleveland), Destin Hall (R- Caldwell), and Willis (R-Union) have filed House Bill 618 “Charter School Review Board.”

HB618 seeks to streamline decisions involving charter schools by eliminating the requirement that the State Board of Education (SBE) vote on every charter school application, amendment, renewal, and termination by assigning those duties to a new board titled the "Charter School Review Board" (CSRB).

Rep. Tricia Cotham (R-Mecklenburg) said, “One-size-fits-all in education is wrong for children. For many students, charter schools offer a more flexible environment for their educational needs. This legislation will help charter schools to better accomplish their missions to serve and educate students.” 

Current procedure dictates that any decision regarding charter school applications, amendments, or renewals must first go to the existing Charter School Advisory Board (CSAB), which can only make recommendations. All recommendations are then referred to the SBE, which must review each a second time before issuing a final vote.

Rep. Destin Hall (R-Caldwell) said, “A single level of review for requests from charter schools is sufficient to properly ensure their compliance with existing state law. The members of the CSRB are all seasoned educators who have expertise operating charter schools.

Current members of the CSAB would become initial members of the CSRB. The North Carolina Superintendent of Public Instruction’s existing ex-officio designee on the board would be changed to a voting member, bringing the total board membership to 12. 

The State Board of Education would maintain its authority to oversee educational functions and matters of policy and be provided with the ability to hear appeals of CSRB decisions, which may be filed either by the charter schools or the Superintendent of Public Instruction. New rules related to charter schools will first be reviewed and approved by the CRSB prior to adoption by the SBE. 

Rep. David Willis (R-Union) said, Requests from charter schools take months to gain approval under the current process. Oversight from the CSRB will speed up the process for requests from charter schools and grant those schools the ability to act more quickly in accordance with the CSRB Decisions.

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