In her classic novel Little Women, Louisa May Alcott has her character Margaret gaze bitterly at the family’s frostbitten garden and proclaim that “November is the most disagreeable month in the whole year.”
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In her classic novel Little Women, Louisa May Alcott has her character Margaret gaze bitterly at the family’s frostbitten garden and proclaim that “November is the most disagreeable month in the whole year.”
Last month I joined dozens of other writers, scholars, activists, and leaders across the country to declare ourselves “Freedom Conservatives.” What do FreeCons stand for? You can read our statement of common principles at
It’s an often-repeated tale, I admit, but I’m going to repeat it, again: the world’s largest low-rise office building, the Pentagon, was built in 16 months. Can you imagine a project even a tenth the size of the Pentagon being constructed that quickly today?
While presidents before Abraham Lincoln often delivered Thanksgiving proclamations, he made it a national holiday in 1863. It might seem odd to some modern readers that Thanksgiving reached a pinnacle during America’s bloodiest conflict, but those that are the most in need understand. Trials, affliction, and humility remind us of our dependence on the grace of God.
With an ever-expanding federal government, the U.S. has fallen out of the top five countries for economic freedom, according to a new report from the Fraser Institute.
Lei was born in China in 1966. It's a historically significant year because it marks the beginning of Chinese Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong’s notorious Cultural Revolution, a campaign to reinvigorate the Chinese people’s communist spirit after the largest man-caused famine the world has ever known.
Here in North Carolina, most of us agree that everyone should have the freedom and opportunity to work hard, earn a living, provide for their families and contribute to communities. Politics aside, we share those values as Americans.
North Carolinians are closely divided when it comes to party preference. Our state has long been one of America’s key political battlegrounds. But when it comes to managing the state’s finances, the conservatives in charge of the state legislature are in tune with prevailing public sentiment.
Gov. Roy Cooper is encouraging high school students in North Carolina to explore careers in cybersecurity by participating in CyberStart America, an online cybersecurity talent search and competition sponsored by the National Cyber Scholarship Foundation and SANS Institute.