I’m a conservative without a conversion story. Plenty of others have such a tale — they read a certain book, had a certain teacher, or somehow became disenchanted with their previous, left-leaning views.
All tagged conservative
I’m a conservative without a conversion story. Plenty of others have such a tale — they read a certain book, had a certain teacher, or somehow became disenchanted with their previous, left-leaning views.
North Carolinians disagree about a great deal. But here’s a proposition virtually all of us endorse: the future of our state is closely tied to the amount and quality of education our people receive.
In a video attacking the Biden-Harris administration for open borders and proposed tax increases, on Wednesday morning former N.C. Governor Pat McCrory made it official and became the second high-profile Republican candidate to enter the 2022 U.S. Senate race. The candidates compete to replace three-term Republican U.S. Senator Richard Burr who is retiring from Congress.