In front of his hometown supporters Saturday at the Forsyth County Republican Convention, Republican State Treasurer Dale Folwell, 64, announced his intentions to seek the GOP nomination for governor in 2024.
All tagged elections
In front of his hometown supporters Saturday at the Forsyth County Republican Convention, Republican State Treasurer Dale Folwell, 64, announced his intentions to seek the GOP nomination for governor in 2024.
Some partisans I know insist political allegiances are so rigid that elections have become little more than turnout contests. Whichever party gets its base out wins. Persuadable swing voters used to exist in significant numbers, they concede, but are now about as hard to find as Bigfoot.
State legislative leaders are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to step into the legal dispute over a new congressional map for North Carolina.
As the Biden administration and Congress struggle with plummeting approval numbers, a battle is being waged in North Carolina and other states over who will control the drawing of congressional districts. The 2022 elections could turn the balance of power to Republicans in Congress.
Gov. Roy Cooper and N.C. Attorney General Josh Stein want the state Supreme Court to throw out new statewide election maps. They've outlined a plan that would help the court draw new maps without legislative input.
A national group representing Republican state officials is backing N.C. legislators at the U.S. Supreme Court. Legislative leaders want the high court's permission to intervene in a federal lawsuit targeting voter ID.
Groups representing N.C. sheriffs, district attorneys, and Superior Court clerks want the N.C. Supreme Court to reopen candidate filing for their upcoming elections.
The N.C. State Board of Elections recently removed analog modems from voting equipment in five counties, a move that has drawn criticism from the N.C. House Freedom Caucus.
Gov. Roy Cooper today vetoed Senate Bill 725, which would have prohibited private funding of elections administration. Recent polling shows startling percentages of voters across all ideologies question whether the 2022 election will be "free and fair."
If you were reading this column a year from today, just days before the 2022 midterm elections, I’d tell you that North Carolina Democrats were about to experience a catastrophe.
A new N.C. Supreme Court order confirms that the court's justices are considering whether to remove two colleagues from hearing a high-profile case involving voter ID. Carolina Journal was first to report that the court's four Democrats were contemplating the move that would block two Republican justices from taking part in the case.
Gov. Roy Cooper has vetoed a bill designed to block the state attorney general from entering collusive lawsuit settlements. It's Cooper's 11th veto this year and No. 64 since he took office in 2017.
The state House voted 58-47 on Wednesday, Sept. 15, to endorse a bill requiring the state attorney general to get approval from legislative leaders before settling lawsuits on their behalf. The bill now heads to the governor.
Felons who registered to vote in North Carolina during an 11-day window between recent court rulings will be allowed to vote in upcoming elections. The state Supreme Court ruled Friday in favor of those quick-acting prospective voters.
Will North Carolina Republicans have smashing victories in the 2022 midterms? Many politicos are acting as if they will, and it isn’t hard to understand why.
Three bills comprising the thrust of legislative election integrity efforts advanced through the N.C. Senate Committee on Redistricting and Elections on Wednesday, June 9. Senate Bills 326, 725, and 724 were each approved by voice vote and referred out of committee.
Three years after the N.C. electorate decided to add a voter identification requirement to the state constitution, Republican lawmakers are defending voter ID in court.
New legislation filed in the General Assembly would reduce the time voters have to turn in their absentee ballots, making the outcome of elections clearer in a shorter time.
New restrictions on poll-watchers proposed by the State Board of Elections would make the logistics of maintaining election integrity much more difficult for N.C. political parties.