All tagged google

Attorney General Josh Stein Sues Google Over Advertising Monopoly

Attorney General Josh Stein today filed a bipartisan antitrust lawsuit against Google alleging that the company harmed consumers by creating a 15-year monopoly in digital advertising technology. By stifling competition through anticompetitive and exclusionary conduct, Google is limiting people’s access to ideas, information, goods, and services, and is profiting by taking more than 30 percent of the advertising dollars on its platform. 

Attorney General Josh Stein sues Google over search monopoly

Attorney General Josh Stein today sued Google over its search monopoly. Specifically, Attorney General Stein alleges that Google has used anticompetitive exclusionary contracts and conduct to illegally maintain a monopoly over search engines and related advertising markets. As a result, Google has deprived internet users of competition that would have provided greater choice, innovation, and better privacy protections.