Attorney General Josh Stein joined a historic partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to protect competition and keep grocery, meat, and poultry prices affordable for North Carolinians.
All tagged nc politics
Attorney General Josh Stein joined a historic partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to protect competition and keep grocery, meat, and poultry prices affordable for North Carolinians.
North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore, who began his record fifth term as speaker in January, has announced that he will not seek reelection. The decision was made several months ago, and Moore is currently considering his future endeavors.
Today, Governor Roy Cooper let the following bill become law without his signature:
Access to better, safer alternatives to cigarettes is once again under attack, this time in North Carolina where lawmakers are considering a new tax on nicotine pouches. Proposals such as these have become all too familiar as more and more lawmakers look at ways to restrict access to reduced harm products that adults use as alternatives to tobacco products.
Yesterday the NC House passed HB 140 - Civilian Traffic Investigators - by a vote of 100 to six. Rep. Jon Hardister )R-Guilford, Majority Whip) is a lead sponsor of the bill. The legislation is now heading to Governor Roy Cooper, who is expected to sign it into law.
We will probably never know how much of our money was squandered during the pandemic by reckless politicians. But here are two damning numbers to start with: $400 billion and $855,000 per job year.