All tagged public education
Governor Roy Cooper and North Carolina State Superintendent-Elect Mo Green celebrated the progress made under the Governor’s leadership to build a better educated North Carolina. The Governor and State Superintendent-Elect visited classrooms, toured the new school building and spoke at Claxton Elementary School in Greensboro.
Republican legislators are focused this Session on further eroding public education in North Carolina. The latest effort is a massive expansion of the state’s voucher program. North Carolinians deserve to know the facts about how this would affect education in our state.
Gov. Cooper outlines devastating impacts of Republican legislature’s schemes to give vouchers to millionaires, defund public schools, and push culture wars in the classroom and urges North Carolinians to contact their legislators to protect public schools
Governor Roy Cooper urged state legislators to make major investments in public education following a report from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction that showed students across the state experienced significant learning recovery in nearly every subject during the 2021-22 school year. These results come following over $5 billion in federal investments sent to North Carolina’s public schools to address the pandemic’s impact.
Those who want North Carolina to throw billions of additional taxpayer dollars at public education like to talk about the state constitution. Yet they ignore a clear pillar of that constitution. It stands in the way of their objectives.
The judge in the long-running Leandro school funding case could issue an order as early as three weeks compelling the General Assembly to fully fund a court-ordered plan drawn up by California-based consultants.
"This legislation takes important steps to protect women who are incarcerated during and after pregnancy and labor."
How much say should the public have about public education? Parental revolts against “wokeness” fads in the classroom are all the rage right now, but gaps between public preferences and the practice of public education didn’t suddenly begin a few months ago. They’ve been around for decades.
If the primary purpose of public education was to prepare young people for jobs, its entitlement to taxpayer support would be far weaker.
A bill sponsored by Democrats in the N.C. House would pump billions of additional dollars into public education over the next few years toward meeting the requirements of a new remedial agreement in the ongoing Leandro lawsuit.
Today, Governor Roy Cooper shared his recommendations for how North Carolina can most effectively invest in its recovery through the American Rescue Plan (ARP). The $5.7 billion in federal funds offer a once-in-a-generation opportunity to invest in North Carolina and ensure a shared recovery from the global pandemic.
“One of the most unhappy series of events in the state’s history began in 1835,” stated a textbook used in elementary schools across North Carolina. “As more and more white people came into their territory the Cherokee Indians had been driven further into the hills, but white settlers looked with greed on all their territory.”