Governor Roy Cooper issued the following statement on the Supreme Court ruling that reaffirms the right to access abortion medication across the country.
All tagged supreme court
Governor Roy Cooper issued the following statement on the Supreme Court ruling that reaffirms the right to access abortion medication across the country.
RALEIGH — In a recent column, I argued that cities would draw more investment and job creation to their downtowns if people felt safer in them. Because the only North Carolina cities included in the national study I cited were Charlotte and Raleigh, some readers concluded that I thought the problem was limited to those two jurisdictions.
RALEIGH — Has there even been a point of time in which so many public controversies rest on a single, abstract principle of constitutional government? I can’t think of one.
Rep. Jon Hardister (R- Guilford) issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Supreme Court's decision related to the use of affirmative action on college campuses:
The fight over $1.7 billion in court-ordered N.C. education spending is heading to a new judge. Court records confirm that the long-running legal case known as Leandro is heading to Special Superior Court Judge Michael Robinson.
The case of a fired Durham police sergeant gives the N.C. Supreme Court a chance to consider constitutional protection of economic liberty.
The North Carolina General Assembly is going to stay in Republican hands after the 2022 midterms. For state Democrats, this is a bitter pill to swallow. That they’ve already managed to swallow it, however, is evident in their manifest failure to recruit enough candidates to put up a credible fight this year for control of the legislature.
Based on a 4-3 vote from the state Supreme Court, a congressional election map drawn by legislators gets tossed out. The court substitutes its own map for 2022 elections. The new map tips the scale toward the Democratic Party.
The N.C. House and Senate gave final approval to redrawn or remedial legislative electoral maps Thursday, after last-minute adjustments delayed the Senate session several times. The House gave largely bipartisan approval to its own map, 115-5, Wednesday night, with five Democrats voting against it. The Senate approved the House's maps, as well, with a 41-3 vote and no comment or change.
Ten days after throwing out North Carolina's newly drawn congressional and legislative election maps, the state Supreme Court has produced its formal opinion in the case.
The fate of two approved amendments to North Carolina's Constitution now sits in the hands of the state Supreme Court. The court spent an hour Monday morning questioning lawyers who argued for and against the amendments.
North Carolina has been politically competitive for a long time. It will remain so for the foreseeable future, although the structure and focal points of that political competition have always been subject to change.
Since the Friday night massacre, in which a partisan Democrat state Supreme Court threw out GOP-enacted congressional and legislative districts, legislators and political observers have been trying to figure out what happens next and what it means for the General Assembly as they return to Raleigh next week to revise maps.
The N.C. Supreme Court has rejected state congressional and legislative election maps with a party-line 4-3 vote. The court's four Democratic justices agreed to strike down maps drawn by a Republican-led legislature.
North Carolina's legislative and congressional election maps now sit in the hands of the N.C. Supreme Court, after 90 minutes of oral arguments for and against the maps Wednesday morning.
Those who want North Carolina to throw billions of additional taxpayer dollars at public education like to talk about the state constitution. Yet they ignore a clear pillar of that constitution. It stands in the way of their objectives.
The Democrat-dominated Buncombe County Board of Commissioners wants to join the legal fight against North Carolina's new election maps.
One group challenging North Carolina's new election maps in court is distancing itself from debates about recusal of targeted N.C. Supreme Court justices.
The N.C. General Assembly voted along party lines Wednesday to move the 2022 primary election back three weeks from May 17 to June 7.
Lawyers working for N.C. Attorney General Josh Stein will soon ask the state Supreme Court to jump back into the long-running Leandro school funding dispute.