All tagged raleigh nc

Innovative healthcare payment and delivery to be piloted in North Carolina

To improve the health of Medicaid beneficiaries, and to reduce costs, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services is building an innovative health care delivery system with a payment structure that rewards better health outcomes, integrates physical and behavioral health, and invests in non-medical interventions. The effort is part of Managed Care Transformation.

Governor Cooper announces Boom will manufacture Supersonic Aircraft

Boom Supersonic, the high-profile aviation company building modern supersonic airliners for commercial service, will build its manufacturing and final assembly facility in Greensboro, creating more than 1,750 jobs by 2030, Governor Roy Cooper announced today. The project will bring an investment of more than $500 million through 2030 at a site located at the Piedmont Triad International Airport in Guilford County.

Exit polls offer useful insights

Every two years, exit pollsters attempt to survey voters who’ve just cast ballots. They post interviewers at hundreds of voting sites across the country. They call and email voters who cast ballots by mail. The resulting exit polls are often roundly criticized and improperly reported (such as when journalists circulate and comment on raw exit-poll totals on Election Night that have not been weighted based on actual election returns.