RALEIGH, N.C. -- The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is seeking public comment on a draft discharge permit for a water treatment system at the Chemours Fayetteville Works site to remove PFAS contamination. Chemours is required under the terms of paragraph 12(e) of the Consent Order to reduce by at least 99% PFAS in the groundwater flowing from the site through Old Outfall 002 into the Cape Fear River and downstream intakes.
The treatment system must be operational by September 30, 2020, according to the Consent Order. The system will treat groundwater that currently discharges without treatment into the river, and it is not designed for process wastewater from the facility. Since 2017, Chemours has been prohibited from discharging process wastewater into the Cape Fear River.
DEQ will accept public comment through August 10, 2020. Comment may be submitted via email to publiccomments@ncdenr.gov (please include “Chemours” in the subject line), or by mail to:
Wastewater Permitting
Attn: Chemours Permit
1617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, N.C., 27699-1617
The draft National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit and fact sheet are available online.
The February 2019 Consent Order and related documents are available online at: https://deq.nc.gov/ChemoursConsentOrder.