Governor Cooper Declares August as Preparedness Month — NC Political News

Governor Cooper Declares August as Preparedness Month

RALEIGH, N.C. -- Governor Roy Cooper has declared August as North Carolina Preparedness Month, encouraging individuals, families, schools and businesses to review their emergency plans and update their emergency supply kits. 

“Facing a hurricane, a deadly tornado and an earthquake in the same week reminds us that North Carolinians need to be prepared for all kinds of emergencies, especially as we continue fighting COVID-19,” Governor Cooper said.“Be sure to go over your family’s emergency plan and include cloth face masks for each member of your family in your emergency supply kit.”

“Ensuring your family, including the elderly and pets, are prepared to survive for at least three days for any emergency is important,” said North Carolina Public Safety Secretary Erik A. Hooks. “Planning ahead and preparing a kit could save your life and lessen the chances you will need to be rescued or shelter during a storm.” 

“It’s critical that everyone knows what to do and where to go when danger threatens,” North Carolina Emergency Management Director Mike Sprayberry said. “Having an emergency plan and a basic supply kit in place, increases the likelihood you will survive and recover faster.”

This is the time to be sure your family’s emergency plan and emergency kits are updated for COVID-19. Be sure to follow these tips:

  • If you are ordered to evacuate, plan to stay either with family or friends, or at a hotel if you can afford it. A public shelter should be a last resort during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Check online to be sure you “Know Your Zone” in case of evacuation orders in any of the twenty participating North Carolina coastal counties
  • Include items in your emergency kit to help lower your risk during the pandemic including:
  • Cloth face masks
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Disinfecting wipes

For more information on how to ensure your family is disaster ready, go to, which features preparedness, evacuation, power outage and shelter information. Also, check to see if your local community offers an emergency alert service for its residents.

Know Your Zone is a tiered evacuation system for coastal residents and visitors that highlights areas most vulnerable to impacts from hurricanes, tropical storms, and other hazards. These predetermined evacuation zones in twenty North Carolina coastal counties simplify and improve evacuations in the event of an approaching tropical system. Visit for more information. The website is available in Spanish at

Follow North Carolina Emergency Management on Twitter and Facebook during August for daily tips on how you can be better prepared for emergencies and disasters.

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