Governor’s Advisory Council on Film, Television, and Digital Streaming to Meet Sept. 15 via Conference Call — NC Political News

Governor’s Advisory Council on Film, Television, and Digital Streaming to Meet Sept. 15 via Conference Call

Raleigh, N.C. – The Governor’s Advisory Council on Film, Television and Digital Streaming will meet via conference call Tuesday, Sept. 15 at 10 a.m. The meeting is open to the public.

The meeting agenda includes an update from the North Carolina Film Office and discussion of recommendations regarding the N.C. film industry that the council will make in a report to Governor Cooper. Recommendations will be in the priority areas of film industry messaging and marketing; grants, rebates, policies and statutes; access and diversity; and industry expansion. The council will also discuss dates for future meetings.

Listen to the meeting via LiveStream at

For more information on the advisory council, visit

About the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources: The N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (NCDNCR) is the state agency with a vision to be the leader in using the state's natural and cultural resources to build the social, cultural, educational and economic future of North Carolina. NCDNCR's mission is to improve the quality of life in our state by creating opportunities to experience excellence in the arts, history, libraries and nature in North Carolina by stimulating learning, inspiring creativity, preserving the state's history, conserving the state's natural heritage, encouraging recreation and cultural tourism, and promoting economic development. 

NCDNCR includes 27 historic sites, seven history museums, two art museums, two science museums, three aquariums and Jennette's Pier, 39 state parks and recreation areas, the N.C. Zoo, the nation's first state-supported Symphony Orchestra, the State Library, the State Archives, the N.C. Arts Council, State Preservation Office and the Office of State Archaeology, along with the Division of Land and Water Stewardship. For more information, please visit

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