Troxler announces availability of grants for bioenergy research and new and emerging crops

Application deadline is Oct. 9

RALEIGH – The N.C. Bioenergy Research Initiative and the New and Emerging Crops Program are seeking grant proposals that support each program’s mission.

“The two programs offer a combined $1 million in competitive grants, with the total being split equally on bioenergy research and new and emerging crop research,” said Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler. “With every dollar invested in ag research producing around $19 in returns, we envision significant production opportunities and new markets that will benefit North Carolina farmers. This continued investment in agricultural research has helped maintain agriculture and agribusiness’ strength as our leading industry.”

Each program is organized under the NCDA&CS Research Stations Division. While not required, research projects funded by the grant programs may use the Division’s infrastructure and resources throughout the state, including one or more of the Division’s 18 research stations.

Potential grantees may wish to review the chart on the website links listed below to understand each program’s mission and the types of research projects that may qualify for grants.

Copies of the grant applications, required forms and additional information are available on each program’s grant web page. The Bioenergy Research Initiative page is at, and the New and Emerging Crops grant page is at Applications must be postmarked by close of business Oct. 9. Questions about each program should be directed to the contacts above. For more information on the application process, contact Allison Medlin, at or at 919-693-2483.

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