ICYMI: CNBC lists North Carolina as second best state for business — NC Political News
ICYMI: CNBC lists North Carolina as second best state for business

ICYMI: CNBC lists North Carolina as second best state for business

CNBC has ranked North Carolina as the second best state for business in its annual Top States for Business report. North Carolina received high rankings for its strong economy and workforce. However, the state received low rankings for life, health and inclusion — preventing the state from being the Top State for Business.

Expanding Medicaid would provide coverage to more than 500,000 North Carolinians, create new jobs and boost our rural hospitals, at no additional cost to taxpayers. It’s good for the health of our state and it’s good for business.

"North Carolina is a great place to live, raise a family and grow your business and this ranking is additional proof that we are roaring out of this pandemic even stronger than before," said Governor Cooper.

CNBC: These are the runners-up in Top States for Business 2021

Scott Cohn and Eric Rosenbaum - July 13, 2021


2. North Carolina

North Carolina nabbed its best-ever finish, just barely missing Top State honors by 41 points.

The Tar Heel State scores highly across several key metrics, including Economy and Workforce.

The biggest company in the nation has taken notice of these strengths, with Apple placing its first East Coast corporate campus in the Research Triangle area outside Raleigh earlier this year.

But like Texas, it trails on Life, Health and Inclusion, with no statewide public accommodation law to protect non-disabled residents against discrimination according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.


Read the full article HERE.

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