All tagged north carolina

Governor Josh Stein Launches New Website for Displaced Federal Public Servants

(RALEIGH) Governor Josh Stein launched a new website to welcome talented and dedicated people to apply to work for the state of North Carolina. This website encourages people who were displaced due to Hurricane Helene or recent federal cuts to consider coming to work with the state of North Carolina. It also provides resources for service members, their spouses, and veterans to apply for positions in North Carolina state government.   

John Hood: North Carolina Lacks Unitary Executive

RALEIGH — The asymmetry is striking. In Washington, many Republicans take a maximalist position on the executive power of the president of the United States. All departments and agencies — even if created by Congress with the intent of limiting presidential authority over them — are as a constitutional matter subordinate to the president, who can fire their officers and overrule their decisions at will.