North Carolina's Innocence Inquiry Commission Featured on the All Things Judicial Podcast — NC Political News
North Carolina's Innocence Inquiry Commission Featured on the All Things Judicial Podcast

North Carolina's Innocence Inquiry Commission Featured on the All Things Judicial Podcast

RALEIGH — The latest episode of All Things Judicial features part one of a three-part series on the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission. Part one is hosted by Lindsey Guice Smith, Executive Director of the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission, and the guests are commissioners Johnson Britt, Rick Glazier, and John Boswell. This episode examines the purpose of the Commission, gives an overview of its structure, and commissioners share why they volunteered for their roles and detail the most interesting cases of their tenures. Parts two and three will be released in August and September and will focus on the Commission's victim services program and the Commission staff.

"Despite our best efforts, mistakes are made. There has to be a system that can correct these mistakes because if there isn't, everybody loses," Commissioner Boswell said on the podcast. "I wish everyone understood the importance of the Commission and all the factors that come into play."


Lindsey Guice SmithExecutive Director of the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission

Johnson BrittCriminal Defense Lawyer and Commissioner on the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission

Rick GlazierExecutive Director of the North Carolina Justice Center and Commissioner on the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission

John BoswellChief Operating Officer of Zoe Empowers and Commissioner on the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission


All Things Judicial is a podcast about the important role of the North Carolina Judicial Branch in state government. The podcast follows a bi-monthly release schedule with each new episode available for download every other Wednesday and can be found on all podcast apps and on

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