Speaker Hall Announces House Standing Committee Appointments for 2025-26 Session — NC Political News
Speaker Hall Announces House Standing Committee Appointments for 2025-26 Session

Speaker Hall Announces House Standing Committee Appointments for 2025-26 Session

Raleigh, NC – North Carolina House Speaker Destin Hall today announced 2025-26 appointments to House standing committees. The committees and members are as follows:

Agriculture and Environment

Chairs: Jimmy Dixon (Senior Chair), Karl E. Gillespie, Jeffrey C. McNeely, Howard Penny, Jr.

Vice Chairs: William D. Brisson, Jarrod Lowery, Ben T. Moss, Jr.

Members: Eric Ager, Vernetta Alston, Jennifer Balkcom, Brian Biggs, Cecil Brockman, Mark Brody, Kanika Brown, Deb Butler, Sarah Crawford, Ted Davis, Jr., Blair Eddins, Edward C. Goodwin, Julia Greenfield, Kyle Hall, Pricey Harrison, Chris Humphrey, Cody Huneycutt, Neal Jackson, B. Ray Jeffers, Keith Kidwell, Brandon Lofton, Nasif Majeed, Ray Pickett, Amos L. Quick, III, Robert T. Reives, II, Larry C. Strickland, Sam Watford


Alcoholic Beverage Control

Chairs: Celeste C. Cairns, Ray Pickett, A. Reece Pyrtle, Jr.

Vice Chairs: Steve Tyson, Shelly Willingham, David Willis

Members: Kanika Brown, Bryan Cohn, Mike Colvin, Allison A. Dahle, Charles W. Miller, Joseph Pike, Paul Scott, Brian Turner, Diane Wheatley



Chairs: Dean Arp (Senior Chair), Kyle Hall (Senior Chair), Donny Lambeth (Senior Chair), Larry C. Strickland (Senior Chair), Hugh Blackwell, William D. Brisson, Erin Paré

Vice Chairs: Jennifer Balkcom, Brian Biggs, Allen Chesser, Tricia Ann Cotham, Ted Davis, Jr., Jimmy Dixon, Karl E. Gillespie, Edward C. Goodwin, Dudley Greene, Kelly E. Hastings, Frank Iler, Jake Johnson, Donnie Loftis, Charles W. Miller, Larry W. Potts, Timothy Reeder, MD, Robert T. Reives, II, Dennis Riddell, Phil Shepard, Carson Smith, John A. Torbett, Steve Tyson, Donna McDowell White, David Willis, Matthew Winslow

Members: Jay Adams, Jonathan L. Almond, Vernetta Alston, Cynthia Ball, Mary Belk, John R. Bell, IV, Jerry "Alan" Branson, Cecil Brockman, Mark Brody, Gloristine Brown, Kanika Brown, Terry M. Brown Jr., Allen Buansi, Laura Budd, Celeste C. Cairns, Grant L. Campbell, MD, Maria Cervania, Mike Clampitt, Tracy Clark, Bryan Cohn, Sarah Crawford, Carla D. Cunningham, Allison A. Dahle, Blair Eddins, Wyatt Gable, Julia Greenfield, Pricey Harrison, Zack Hawkins, Beth Helfrich, Chris Humphrey, Cody Huneycutt, B. Ray Jeffers, Monika Johnson-Hostler, Abe Jones, Brenden H. Jones, Ya Liu, Carolyn G. Logan, Nasif Majeed, Jeffrey C. McNeely, Marcia Morey, Ben T. Moss, Jr., Howard Penny, Jr., Ray Pickett, Garland E. Pierce, Rodney D. Pierce, Dante Pittman, Mark Pless, Lindsey Prather, Renée A. Price, A. Reece Pyrtle, Jr., Amos L. Quick, III, Heather H. Rhyne, James Roberson, Mike Schietzelt, Charles Smith, Sarah Stevens, Brian Turner, Julie von Haefen, Bill Ward, Shelly Willingham, Jeff Zenger


Appropriations, Agriculture and Natural and Economic Resources

Chairs: Jimmy Dixon (Senior Chair), Jennifer Balkcom, Karl E. Gillespie, Edward C. Goodwin

Vice Chairs: Celeste C. Cairns, Kyle Hall, Chris Humphrey, Jeffrey C. McNeely

Members: Mark Brody, Gloristine Brown, Allison A. Dahle, Blair Eddins, Pricey Harrison, B. Ray Jeffers, Howard Penny, Jr., Renée A. Price, Amos L. Quick, III, James Roberson, Brian Turner


Appropriations, Capital and Information Technology

Chairs: Kelly E. Hastings, Jake Johnson, Matthew Winslow

Vice Chair: Dean Arp

Members: Vernetta Alston, Carolyn G. Logan, Dante Pittman


Appropriations, Education

Chairs: Brian Biggs, Tricia Ann Cotham, David Willis

Vice Chair: Hugh Blackwell

Members: Cynthia Ball, Cecil Brockman, Wyatt Gable, Zack Hawkins, Monika Johnson-Hostler, Ray Pickett, Lindsey Prather


Appropriations, General Government

Chairs: Donnie Loftis, Dennis Riddell, John A. Torbett

Vice Chair: Erin Paré

Members: Kanika Brown, Nasif Majeed, Rodney D. Pierce, Bill Ward


Appropriations, Health and Human Services

Chairs: Larry W. Potts, Timothy Reeder, MD, Donna McDowell White

Vice Chair: Donny Lambeth

Members: Jonathan L. Almond, Allen Buansi, Grant L. Campbell, MD, Maria Cervania, Sarah Crawford, Carla D. Cunningham, Cody Huneycutt, Ya Liu, Mark Pless, Heather H. Rhyne, Julie von Haefen


Appropriations, Justice and Public Safety

Chairs: Ted Davis, Jr., Dudley Greene, Charles W. Miller, Carson Smith

Vice Chairs: William D. Brisson, A. Reece Pyrtle, Jr.

Members: Mike Clampitt, Bryan Cohn, Abe Jones, Marcia Morey, Garland E. Pierce, Robert T. Reives, II, Charles Smith, Sarah Stevens


Appropriations, Transportation

Chairs: Allen Chesser, Frank Iler, Phil Shepard, Steve Tyson

Vice Chair: Larry C. Strickland

Members: Jay Adams, Mary Belk, Jerry "Alan" Branson, Terry M. Brown Jr., Laura Budd, Tracy Clark, Julia Greenfield, Beth Helfrich, Ben T. Moss, Jr., Mike Schietzelt, Shelly Willingham, Jeff Zenger


Commerce and Economic Development

Chairs: Stephen M. Ross, John Sauls

Vice Chairs: Jay Adams, Celeste C. Cairns, Jake Johnson

Members: Jennifer Balkcom, John M. Blust, Kanika Brown, Bryan Cohn, Carla D. Cunningham, Julia C. Howard, Brandon Lofton, Garland E. Pierce, Dante Pittman, Timothy Reeder, MD, Phil Shepard, Larry C. Strickland, Matthew Winslow


Education - K-12

Chairs: Brian Biggs, Tricia Ann Cotham, David Willis

Vice Chairs: Hugh Blackwell, Cecil Brockman, Heather H. Rhyne, Diane Wheatley

Members: Jennifer Balkcom, Cynthia Ball, Gloristine Brown, Laura Budd, Aisha O. Dew, Julia Greenfield, Frank Iler, Jake Johnson, Donny Lambeth, Brandon Lofton, Marcia Morey, Larry W. Potts, Dennis Riddell, Mike Schietzelt, Phil Shepard, John A. Torbett, Julie von Haefen

Election Law

Chairs: Hugh Blackwell, Sarah Stevens

Vice Chair: Allison A. Dahle

Members: Jonathan L. Almond, Amber M. Baker, Cynthia Ball, Mary Belk, Allen Buansi, Tricia Ann Cotham, Ted Davis, Jr., Jimmy Dixon, Pricey Harrison, Dennis Riddell, Carson Smith, Bill Ward, Harry Warren, Shelly Willingham, Jeff Zenger


Emergency Management and Disaster Recovery

Chairs: Dudley Greene, Mark Pless

Vice Chairs: Mike Clampitt, Jarrod Lowery

Members: Eric Ager, Ted Davis, Jr., Karl E. Gillespie, Chris Humphrey, Monika Johnson-Hostler, Tim Longest, Dante Pittman


Energy and Public Utilities

Chairs: Dean Arp, Kyle Hall, Matthew Winslow

Vice Chairs: Neal Jackson, Charles W. Miller

Members: William D. Brisson, Cecil Brockman, Celeste C. Cairns, Becky Carney, Maria Cervania, Tricia Ann Cotham, Sarah Crawford, Carla D. Cunningham, Jimmy Dixon, Pricey Harrison, Kelly E. Hastings, Zack Hawkins, Julia C. Howard, B. Ray Jeffers, Carolyn G. Logan, Erin Paré, Garland E. Pierce, A. Reece Pyrtle, Jr., Dennis Riddell, John Sauls, Mitchell S. Setzer, Larry C. Strickland, Steve Tyson, Sam Watford, Shelly Willingham, Jeff Zenger



Chairs: Harry Warren, Shelly Willingham

Members: Becky Carney, Allison A. Dahle, Ted Davis, Jr., John Sauls, Mitchell S. Setzer, Julie von Haefen


Federal Relations and American Indian Affairs

Chairs: Mike Clampitt, Jarrod Lowery, Bill Ward

Vice Chair: Mark Pless

Members: Amber M. Baker, Karl E. Gillespie, Garland E. Pierce, Dennis Riddell, Paul Scott, Carson Smith, Charles Smith, Shelly Willingham



Chairs: Julia C. Howard (Senior Chair), Neal Jackson (Senior Chair), Mitchell S. Setzer (Senior Chair), Keith Kidwell, Stephen M. Ross

Vice Chair: Harry Warren

Members: Eric Ager, Amber M. Baker, John M. Blust, Deb Butler, Becky Carney, Todd Carver, Mike Colvin, Aisha O. Dew, Brian Echevarria, Frances Jackson, PhD, Brandon Lofton, Tim Longest, Jordan Lopez, Jarrod Lowery, Joseph Pike, John Sauls, Paul Scott, Sam Watford, Diane Wheatley



Chairs: Larry W. Potts (Senior Chair), Donny Lambeth, Timothy Reeder, MD, Donna McDowell White

Vice Chairs: Tricia Ann Cotham, Carla D. Cunningham, Chris Humphrey

Members: Cynthia Ball, Mary Belk, Brian Biggs, Hugh Blackwell, William D. Brisson, Cecil Brockman, Allen Buansi, Grant L. Campbell, MD, Becky Carney, Maria Cervania, Allen Chesser, Tracy Clark, Sarah Crawford, Jimmy Dixon, Karl E. Gillespie, Kyle Hall, Ya Liu, Donnie Loftis, Charles W. Miller, Erin Paré, Garland E. Pierce, A. Reece Pyrtle, Jr., Heather H. Rhyne, Paul Scott, Phil Shepard, Diane Wheatley


Higher Education

Chairs: Kelly E. Hastings, Ray Pickett

Vice Chair: Timothy Reeder, MD

Members: Jay Adams, Jerry "Alan" Branson, Mark Brody, Gloristine Brown, Terry M. Brown Jr., Becky Carney, Todd Carver, Mike Clampitt, Ted Davis, Jr., Wyatt Gable, Zack Hawkins, Beth Helfrich, Julia C. Howard, Neal Jackson, Monika Johnson-Hostler, Abe Jones, Donny Lambeth, Tim Longest, Howard Penny, Jr., Lindsey Prather, Renée A. Price, Heather H. Rhyne, James Roberson, John Sauls, Brian Turner, Diane Wheatley, Donna McDowell White


Homeland Security and Military and Veterans Affairs

Chairs: Edward C. Goodwin, Donnie Loftis, Joseph Pike

Vice Chair: Allen Chesser

Members: Dean Arp, Celeste C. Cairns, Grant L. Campbell, MD, Mike Colvin, Wyatt Gable, Beth Helfrich, Frances Jackson, PhD, Carolyn G. Logan, Nasif Majeed, Erin Paré, Garland E. Pierce, Rodney D. Pierce, Larry W. Potts, Charles Smith, Julie von Haefen, Diane Wheatley, David Willis


Housing and Development

Chairs: Mark Brody, Jeff Zenger

Members: Jay Adams, Vernetta Alston, Gloristine Brown, Tricia Ann Cotham, Carla D. Cunningham, Allison A. Dahle, Wyatt Gable, Ya Liu, Jordan Lopez, Howard Penny, Jr., Sam Watford, David Willis, Matthew Winslow



Chairs: Jennifer Balkcom, Chris Humphrey

Vice Chair: Mitchell S. Setzer

Members: Jonathan L. Almond, Kyle Hall, Kelly E. Hastings, Julia C. Howard, Cody Huneycutt, Frances Jackson, PhD, Donny Lambeth, Nasif Majeed, Marcia Morey, Garland E. Pierce, Rodney D. Pierce, Larry W. Potts, James Roberson, Harry Warren


Judiciary 1

Chair: Ted Davis, Jr.

Vice Chair: Hugh Blackwell

Members: Vernetta Alston, Dean Arp, Pricey Harrison, B. Ray Jeffers, Abe Jones, Larry W. Potts, Mike Schietzelt, Matthew Winslow


Judiciary 2

Chair: Sarah Stevens

Vice Chair: Carson Smith

Members: Laura Budd, Deb Butler, Todd Carver, Dudley Greene, Ya Liu, Charles W. Miller, A. Reece Pyrtle, Jr., Charles Smith


Judiciary 3

Chair: John M. Blust

Members: Jonathan L. Almond, Jerry "Alan" Branson, Terry M. Brown Jr., Allen Buansi, Julia C. Howard, Keith Kidwell, Marcia Morey, Renée A. Price, Bill Ward



Chairs: Jake Johnson, Brenden H. Jones, Harry Warren

Members: Eric Ager, Dean Arp, Amber M. Baker, John M. Blust, Grant L. Campbell, MD, Maria Cervania, Allen Chesser, Carla D. Cunningham, Allison A. Dahle, Brian Echevarria, Zack Hawkins, Jeffrey C. McNeely, Ben T. Moss, Jr., Amos L. Quick, III, Timothy Reeder, MD, Mike Schietzelt, Sarah Stevens, Shelly Willingham


Pensions and Retirement

Chairs: Carson Smith, Diane Wheatley

Members: Mark Brody, Aisha O. Dew, Donny Lambeth, Jarrod Lowery, Joseph Pike, Lindsey Prather, Amos L. Quick, III, James Roberson, Stephen M. Ross


Regulatory Reform

Chairs: Allen Chesser, Dennis Riddell, Jeff Zenger

Members: Eric Ager, Jonathan L. Almond, Amber M. Baker, Mary Belk, Hugh Blackwell, Mark Brody, Terry M. Brown Jr., Todd Carver, Mike Clampitt, Allison A. Dahle, Brian Echevarria, Keith Kidwell, Renée A. Price, Sarah Stevens


Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House

Chair: John R. Bell, IV

Vice Chairs: Tricia Ann Cotham, Brenden H. Jones, Erin Paré

Members: William D. Brisson, Becky Carney, Carla D. Cunningham, Allison A. Dahle, Ted Davis, Jr., Jimmy Dixon, Blair Eddins, Karl E. Gillespie, Kyle Hall, Kelly E. Hastings, Neal Jackson, Brandon Lofton, Tim Longest, Charles W. Miller, Renée A. Price, A. Reece Pyrtle, Jr., Amos L. Quick, III, Robert T. Reives, II, Sarah Stevens, John A. Torbett, Steve Tyson, Donna McDowell White, Shelly Willingham


State and Local Government

Chairs: Keith Kidwell, John A. Torbett, Sam Watford

Vice Chair: Dudley Greene

Members: Vernetta Alston, Jerry "Alan" Branson, Tracy Clark, Frank Iler, Frances Jackson, PhD, B. Ray Jeffers, Donnie Loftis, Carolyn G. Logan, Howard Penny, Jr., Ray Pickett, Joseph Pike, Lindsey Prather, James Roberson, Stephen M. Ross, Bill Ward, Harry Warren, Donna McDowell White



Chairs: Jay Adams, Frank Iler, Jeffrey C. McNeely, Phil Shepard, Steve Tyson

Vice Chair: Jerry "Alan" Branson

Members: Vernetta Alston, Mary Belk, Brian Biggs, John M. Blust, Laura Budd, Deb Butler, Becky Carney, Brian Echevarria, Zack Hawkins, Frances Jackson, PhD, Donnie Loftis, Brandon Lofton, Jordan Lopez, Ben T. Moss, Jr., Erin Paré, Ray Pickett, Mark Pless, James Roberson, Stephen M. Ross, Larry C. Strickland, Harry Warren, Matthew Winslow


Wildlife Resources

Chairs: Jay Adams, Ben T. Moss, Jr.

Members: William D. Brisson, Deb Butler, Mike Clampitt, Carla D. Cunningham, Blair Eddins, Karl E. Gillespie, Edward C. Goodwin, Zack Hawkins, Cody Huneycutt, Frank Iler, Jake Johnson, Abe Jones, Mark Pless, Charles Smith, Brian Turner

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