All tagged election 2020

North Carolina, which saw a tightening of the presidential race in the 2020 election, was among the states that saw an influx of money from Mark Zuckerberg in the months leading up to the voting. Capital Research Center noted that Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, donated $350 million to the Center for Technology and Civic Life, which in turn gave the money to local election officials. CRC argues that the formerly small group “became an activist juggernaut with the means to effectively manage the election in numerous cities and battleground states across the nation.”

CRC said $4.3 million of these “Zuck bucks” went to 34 North Carolina cities and counties, in addition to a $1 million grant to the state board of elections. CRC said Biden gained about 80,000 votes in the counties that received the grants.

Lt. Governor Dan Forest issues final statement

As I wind down the final days of serving as Lieutenant Governor, Alice and I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the thousands of friends we have made across this great state. It has been one of the greatest honors of my life to serve our state as Lieutenant Governor for the past eight years, and to run for Governor in 2020, perhaps the most unique political year of the modern age.

LIVE Feed of NC's Electoral College

Watch the live feed of today’s historic Electoral College vote for the State of North Carolina. NC Secretary of State Elaine F. Marshall has convened the 58th meeting of the North Carolina Electoral College in the Capitol Building’s Old Hall of the House of Representatives at noon. The electors will cast their ballots for the offices of President and Vice President of the United States.

North Carolina’s 2020 election was a mixed bag full of unexpected results. Most voters are confident in the outcomes, but others aren’t so sure, a new poll shows. Some things are known for certain. President Trump won 50% of the state’s vote, turning North Carolina red in the contest for the White House. Simultaneously, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper won another term in the Executive Mansion, collecting enough votes to edge Republican Dan Forest by more than four points.