All tagged deborah ross

Congresswomen Ross, McBath Introduce Legislation to Protect Pregnant and Parenting Students

Congresswomen Deborah Ross (NC-02) and Lucy McBath (GA-07) introduced the Understanding Student Parent Outcomes Act of 2023. This legislation will protect pregnant and parenting students by requiring the U.S. Department of Education to collect critical data on barriers to graduating college and find best practices for institutions of higher education to improve graduation rates among students who are parents or caregivers.

Deborah Ross Slams NC Republicans’ Gerrymandered Maps, Announces Reelection Campaign to Represent Wake County

Raleigh, N.C.  — Congresswoman Deborah Ross released the following statement on North Carolina Republicans’ extreme, gerrymandered maps. If any of these maps are enacted, she plans to run to continue representing Wake County – the community she has represented for two terms in Congress and served for more than a decade in the General Assembly. 

Congresswoman Ross Introduces Legislation to Support Quantum Computing at Federal Agencies

Congresswoman Deborah Ross (NC-02) introduced the Leveraging Quantum Computing Act. This legislation will instruct federal agencies to identify potential uses for quantum computing, an emerging technology that can perform certain calculations faster than today’s supercomputers. For example, future quantum computers could exceed regular computers in simulating chemical interactions, potentially reducing the time required for drug development.

Ross, Pocan, Cleaver, Sykes Introduce Legislation to End Prison Gerrymandering

Representatives Deborah Ross (NC-02), Mark Pocan (WI-02), Emanuel Cleaver (MO-05), and Emilia Sykes (OH-13) introduced the End Prison Gerrymandering Act. This legislation will help ensure equal representation for all by requiring the Census Bureau to count incarcerated people at their last place of residence rather than the prison in which they are held at the time of the Census. 

US House members representing NC speak out about impeachment

Members of the US House of Representatives that serve the citizens of North Carolina took to Twitter and press releases to share their stance on President Donald Trump’s second impeachment. The legislators representing North Carolina are divided along party lines. The resolution to impeach President Trump passed with 232 for impeachment and 197 against with 4 that did not vote. There were 222 Democrats and 10 Republicans for the resolution, and 197 Republicans against it.